Well there's actually 2 new episodes because I couldn't real post last weeks episode due to not great internet service in my hotel room. I recently went to the Phoenix ComiCon, And as usual Hotel internet wasn't great. But I digress , I'll post the web player like normal it'l have both episodes on it if you wish to listen to them both.
Last weeks episode was Torture Theater where we watched Dragonslayer.
Here's the info: So we gathered once again to take in the glory that is Torture Theater. This time around we soaked up the genius that is 1981's Dragonslayer. There was some nostalgic times and some plain "how in the hell did this get made" times. But in the end we knew we had to do it, for you our loyal listeners. We had a good time, afterwards that is. This episode we are joined by Eric "Babyface" Munger.
And this week episode we tell the tale of "The Great Phoenix ComiCon Adventure"
Here are the details: This week we sat down to rehash our weekend at the Phoenix ComiCon. We discuss the sites, sounds and smells that make up "The Great Phoenix ComiCon Adventure". Joe, Mike and Cody regale Eric "Babyface" Munger with the non-stop party that was had at the soon to be 4th largest Comic-Con in the country.
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Well thanks for checking it out.
And as always Enjoy and Share!