So I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the state that the Zelda franchise is in. Now don’t get me wrong Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess were damn good games. But they felt just Ocarina of Time but with slightly better graphics. Don’t get me started on the WiiU and Nintendo’s mistakes when it comes to their hardware decisions. Back on point. I want to see a more modern Legend of Zelda game. I don’t mean modern age like with guns and stuff. What I do mean is something like a Skyrim styled game, both in size and scope. I’m mean think about playing Ocarina of Time in a Skyrim sized world? You think the dungeons were awesome before, just imagine what the Spirit Temple would look like? I’d buy another version (to go along with all 4 versions i already own) if it were done right. Now I would love to see Nintendo make some of their 1st party games and make them available on other consoles, i.e. Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc. Think of the amazing adventures you could have with Zelda in full 1080p 3D rendered awesomeness on the XBOXONE or PS4? Playing MarioCart with a real online network and a system that could handle 16 to 24 racers at a time.
Anyways. I just started playing A Link Between Worlds. It’s a classic formula for sure. It reminds me of games like The Legend of Zelda and of course my all-time favorite A Link to the Past. It’s added in the new ability to “Transform” into a painting. When I first read about this new “mechanic” I thought it was very gimmicky, but a good friend and fellow Zelda fan told me it was pretty awesome, he was right. Thanks Chris! I’m about half way through I think. I highly recommend this to any Zelda Fan. The art style is similar to The Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks. Speaking of The Wind Waker I still need to play the HD re-release, has anyone played it yet? If so let me know what you thought. I loved the original, and if you haven’t noticed yet, I’m not opposed to re-buying it.
Ok I think that’s it for my little Zelda rant for now.