I don't want to spoil anything, but if you love suspense and drama this is definitely the series for you.
Here's a little description.
I have this weird ritual I do in book stores. I walk up and down the isles and wait for something to grab my attention. Then I read the synopsis and if it seems interesting then I buy it. So far it's worked out beautifully for me. Besides the Odd Thomas series, I've also found
- Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay
- Night by Elie Wiesel
I love the Dexter series so much. I love the show too.
Night made me cry for like an hour. I'm not sure why I felt so strongly, but man did it make me cry.
There are many others I could list now but I won't waste your time or mine. If you want to know some of the others comment below.
It's funny I don't find myself reading as many books/novels as I have in the past. Recently I've been reading more graphic novels/comic books. I just find they are more interesting. I'll just buy vol. 1 of a series and if it grabs me I'll dive right in. I've been a little less adventurous with the comics as I was with the novels. I tend to look for names I recognize. I have my favorites.
- Grant Morrison
- Mark Millar
- Brian Azzarello
- Brian K. Vaughan
- Scott Snyder
- Alan Moore
Here are a few of my favorite books from them.
Grant Morrison
Mark Millar
Brian Azzarello
Brian K. Vaughan
Scott Snyder
And last but most definitely least Alan Moore
And one last thing. Back to the reason I actually started writing this post. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz(the first novel in the series) is being made into a motion picture. I'm happy/excited and scared by this news. Happy because I love the book and series so much. Scared because Stephen Sommers is directing/screen writing it. I'm not going to say he's bound to ruin it, but his track record does make me pause. He's helmed such films as The Mummy, The Mummy Returns (not that they were awful films but the whole giant scorpion that raises it's eyebrow like The Rock at the end killed it for me.), The Scorpion King, Van Helsing and the abysmal G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra(don't get me started on that shit hole of a movie). I'm just hoping he doesn't ruin this for me.
As for the cast of the movie, I'm pretty happy with the choices they made.
Odd Thomas: Anton Yelchin
He's played-
- Pavel Chekov in J.J. Abrams Star Trek
- Kyle Reese in Terminator Salvation (I'm not a fan of this movie at all)
- Charley Brewster in the Fright Night remake (I really liked this one)
Odd's girlfriend Stormy Llewellyn: Addison Timlin
She's done a few things but she's best known for her role in David Duchovny's Californication as Sasha Bingham.
Odd's friend Ozzie P. Boone: Patton Oswalt
I'm pretty positive I don't have to tell you who he is.
And as the Main Villain Wyatt Porter: Willem Dafoe
And I'm certain I don't have to tell anyone who this fine gentleman is.
Well, that's it for me for now. This blog was pretty random and nowhere near what I thought it was going to be. And it's much longer than I intended it to be. But thanks for reading. And let me know if you've enjoyed any of the books I've talked about or feel free to suggest some of your favorites.
And of course, Check me out on all the other social networks:
Instagram- @ceo_c_o_d_y