hello everyone how are you doing? good good. well today was a blah day to fucking windy for me. i tried to work but i just wasnt feeling it so i told dude i would be back tomorrow. so when you where a kid did you ever have a friend do something fucked up to you?????? for example when i was younger i had a...
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when i was a kid, my brother put pink lemonade in my hair product bottle, so i sticky, gnarly, ucky-smelling hair all day at school frown

grrrr.... little brothers

hehe. we get along famously now!

hope you had a fantastic weekend & yeah, pirates do rule ARRR!!! -- especially if the pirate is johnny depp with smoky black eyeshadow love
how is everyone doing? im good just hanging out well i hope all of you had a great easter. mine was cool. anyways cant wait to fly to missouri in the next couple weeks, havent seen my dad in a day. i wil get some good wake boarding in out there. well cool people and not so cool people have a good one.
hey there!
thank you so much for such a sweet & lovely comment on my blog smile
what is "wake boarding"?
have safe travels to missouri smile