It's nearly Christmas!! This is actually exciting me too
In other news...My engagement ring broke
So I ordered another from ebay...but it was too small. My fault not the sellers - they had not listed a size, but shown a scale and I worked it out wrong. Duh! Counting and maths were never my strong point! So I having to re-sell again, but hey ho...found an even better one that the seller will re-size for me for free, and it is perfect
My job ends on 21/12/12, so have been busy hunting for another one. Had an interview last week, and got 2 more this week. I am really nervous! I'm not great at job interviews, no matter how much research I have done, how smart I look or how much thought I have put into it I always clam up. And I really, really want to get a new job. I'm not the sort who can sit around all day and do nothing. Not for long anyway! I like to be productive, feel I have achieved one of the jobs is back home, so although it would mean massive upheaval for me and Andy if I got it, we would be closer to most of out family, which would be awesome. Keep your fingers crossed for me please guys!
I am currently listing loads of crap on ebay too. I have to get money in case I don't get one of these jobs, plus I have the wedding to save for! It's less than 2 years to go, which is still a long time, but not if you have NOTHING saved!
Not really much else to say at the moment - but I think thats enough anyway! Will post pictures of my Christmas tree when its up
Hugs xxxx

In other news...My engagement ring broke

My job ends on 21/12/12, so have been busy hunting for another one. Had an interview last week, and got 2 more this week. I am really nervous! I'm not great at job interviews, no matter how much research I have done, how smart I look or how much thought I have put into it I always clam up. And I really, really want to get a new job. I'm not the sort who can sit around all day and do nothing. Not for long anyway! I like to be productive, feel I have achieved one of the jobs is back home, so although it would mean massive upheaval for me and Andy if I got it, we would be closer to most of out family, which would be awesome. Keep your fingers crossed for me please guys!
I am currently listing loads of crap on ebay too. I have to get money in case I don't get one of these jobs, plus I have the wedding to save for! It's less than 2 years to go, which is still a long time, but not if you have NOTHING saved!
Not really much else to say at the moment - but I think thats enough anyway! Will post pictures of my Christmas tree when its up

Hugs xxxx
You all sorted?