I have been so uninvolved with SG for the last few months...but recently I have found myself missing the place. I miss the community, the friends I have made here. I also discovered my very first profile - from 2006! I have been here off and on for ages...
So I think I may come back, spend a bit more time with you all. I miss the laughs, jokes, mad meets and good friends
Course, my membership runs out sometime early in 2011, and I haven't decided if I am going to renew it yet. I am also still very, very tempted to try one last time to become an SG, although I am not sure it will happen for me being PSW and all. Still, if I submit a kickass sexy set surely a little extra padding won't matter all that much!
Anyway, nearly 2011!! I am determined to sort my life out! I will lose some weight, fix some bridges, sort out my paranoia...there are so many things I need to do!
What are your plans for 2011?
<3 Reena xoxox
So I think I may come back, spend a bit more time with you all. I miss the laughs, jokes, mad meets and good friends

Anyway, nearly 2011!! I am determined to sort my life out! I will lose some weight, fix some bridges, sort out my paranoia...there are so many things I need to do!
What are your plans for 2011?
<3 Reena xoxox
Glad to hear you'll be sticking about for a bit longer! doooooo a set