Its been an odd week...Had a fabulous meal but fell out with a friend, had a set published on Zivity and got a new SLR camera!!
Firstly, I went to 'Tokyo Joe's', a Japanese restaurant for my friend Jackie's 40th. The food was divine!! I had a Chicken Katsu Bento box - and it was possibly one of the best meals I have ever had. My friend Eleanor let me share her part of the starter - a veggie sushi bento box. It was bloody lovely! I tried ginger and asparagus for the first time...yummy
Sadly it wasn't all good though - I woke up the nest day and went online to check train times for getting home from a meeting. Went on FB to find another friend who had been at the meal with us was pissed off with me for leaving early and 'leaving them short'...I knew I had paid enough, and that Eleanor had already said she would pay for my part of the starter, so I was a bit confused and pissed off...I text said friend who basically had a go at me for borrowing a few pounds so I could have a starter. Seriously, I was so angry! And since Eleanor and I had discussed it I had no idea a) what business it was of hers and b) why she was so angry with me about it! I text Eleanor who was then also very angry about somebody poking thier nose into something that had nothing to do with them. Confused by it? I was! Until said friend explained she noticed I often borrow anf forget to return things, or return them late and she was angry because she didn't think I would pay Eleanor back. It made a little more sense then, although I still think she should have minded her own business. I do tend to do that - not intentionally, but I still do it. I guess in some ways I am glad she pointed it out - Its one thing knowing it about yourself and another thing knowing that someone else sees it too and doesn't like it. Makes me more aware of not doing it in future!
I also bit the bullet this week and bought myself an SLR. No where near top of the range, just a starter so I can get familiar with it. Its a Sony A230. So far I love it! Andy likes it too - think we may have a play this weekend and see if we can get some good shots. Watch this space!
Lastly - I now have a small set published on Zivity! Hurrah! Have a great weekend everyone xx
Firstly, I went to 'Tokyo Joe's', a Japanese restaurant for my friend Jackie's 40th. The food was divine!! I had a Chicken Katsu Bento box - and it was possibly one of the best meals I have ever had. My friend Eleanor let me share her part of the starter - a veggie sushi bento box. It was bloody lovely! I tried ginger and asparagus for the first time...yummy

I also bit the bullet this week and bought myself an SLR. No where near top of the range, just a starter so I can get familiar with it. Its a Sony A230. So far I love it! Andy likes it too - think we may have a play this weekend and see if we can get some good shots. Watch this space!
Lastly - I now have a small set published on Zivity! Hurrah! Have a great weekend everyone xx
+1 to new profile pic being awesome.