I have just hugged goodbye to two awesome women, Metalmanatee and Farrow. What a fab weekend!
I thought it was all going to tits up Friday. Andy came to pick me up from work, and the car exploded. Literally. We were stuck in traffic, and the car being seriusly dodgy decided to overheat. We could see her getting hotter and hotter, and kept turning the engine off to try cool her down. Seeing a parking space, Andy indicated to go in - and an almighty bang came from under the hood, along with clouds of steam. Nice!! We had to call the breakdown guy - despite being about 2 mins drive from home. One of the radiator pipes had burst. Bless him, the breakdown guy was awesome, but in he end he could only fix it enough to get us home. The head gasket has gone - getting it fixed will cost more than the car is worth. So we limped home and I could see my girly weekend going down the drain and we were worried about how Andy was going to get to work on Monday
However, Andy's mum and her boyfriend (Graham) came to the rescue - they put Andy on the insurance of Graham's Dad's car. He was going to sell it anyway, and said Andy can use it until we get something else sorted. Phew! Andy managed to take the old car 30 miles to the garage we use and stayed at his mums last night, so...
Metalmanatee and Farrow came after all!! Honestly, I have not had such a great time in ages!! What a great weekend. They are both incredible, and both have awesome boobs
Hopefully you will get to see the results of our shoots in a month or so
'Why is it so magenta today'
'Some girls should just put their boobs away and go home'
'Lets go tramp sniffing!'
Happy Valentines Day!!!
Over and Out!!
I thought it was all going to tits up Friday. Andy came to pick me up from work, and the car exploded. Literally. We were stuck in traffic, and the car being seriusly dodgy decided to overheat. We could see her getting hotter and hotter, and kept turning the engine off to try cool her down. Seeing a parking space, Andy indicated to go in - and an almighty bang came from under the hood, along with clouds of steam. Nice!! We had to call the breakdown guy - despite being about 2 mins drive from home. One of the radiator pipes had burst. Bless him, the breakdown guy was awesome, but in he end he could only fix it enough to get us home. The head gasket has gone - getting it fixed will cost more than the car is worth. So we limped home and I could see my girly weekend going down the drain and we were worried about how Andy was going to get to work on Monday

Metalmanatee and Farrow came after all!! Honestly, I have not had such a great time in ages!! What a great weekend. They are both incredible, and both have awesome boobs

'Why is it so magenta today'
'Some girls should just put their boobs away and go home'
'Lets go tramp sniffing!'
Happy Valentines Day!!!
Over and Out!!

back to long island, its my home. The beaches are so close and the city is so close. Its the best of both worlds for me 

cool! I'll let all the UK girls know when we are near the date of my visit!