I owe you guys two things..
1) The new vector art of Alyeska in a bruins jersey. Idk I got bored and I have been wanting to try something like this for a while and forced myself to attempt it/finish it by making it an assignment. I am pretty happy with it,( for my first time using Illustrator) but I have been changing a bit since I turned it in. I can show you both. Also note that I will probably change it some more, so advice is welcomed. Just leave me a message. I would love to hear your feedback.
2) How did my past weekend go? And No, I am not going to feel you in on the week, that is boring. However my weekend was pretty fantastic. I got to see old friends from highschool. That was nice, we went to the daiquiri factory, and Yes I finally went out for once! Can you believe it?! That is not like me at all. I am usually not a club scene kind of girl, but I was begged by some friends that I havent seen in a while, so of course I went out and tried it.
It was a cute bar and all, but I dont know.. I just dont like that scene at all. Unless it is a big get- together, then it can be fun. Otherwise I just prefer going to a nice place and getting beer. I dont need to go to the clubs and be slutty. It was funny because what I was wearing compared to everyone else, was hillarious. I dont need to wear skimpy outfits to feel sexy. I was wearing my hair all cute and just a plain nice long sleeve shirt ( it was cold). I felt sexier then all those "hoes". lol
Anyway over all I had a good time. I just wont be doing that every weekend, just cause that is not my thing.
On saturday, I did ended up hanging out with "guy" until 6am sunday morning. We went to "Old Chicago" and sat there until close and drank beer! That is what I am talking aboOOUt!
It was a relaxed setting and I felt comfortable with him and his friends.
This next weekend I am going to go and hang out with the same girls but this time not out at bars. Thank goodness! It an old friend's 23rd birthday and he is just wanting people to drink at the house. I am more then happy to do that,those are always fun.
YAY! ALYESKA HAS REACHED 1200 comments! I am so happy I really hope she gets bought soon! We all know she deserves it and I am still confused on why she hasnt yet.
K well I was stalling..sry. I should probably get to bed..
I go for a more realistic yet not kinda style myself.
(The color is really weird in Safari for some reason.)