Mine was pretty fantastic, I went on another date with "guy" (I talked about him about last weekend.) We went to that new Nick Swardson movie...Bucky larson.. Um I was kinda let down. It wasn't as funny as I hoped, but "guy" wanted to see it, so we went.
I like nick swardson, and Idk that movie is definately not in my favorite list from him. Tbh I thought the "new Nick swardson movie" that he wanted to see was "30minutes or less"! He didnt even use the name when talking about it >.< I didnt notice that was not what he was talking about, until we were under the name on theater sign.lol
Oh well, there were parts that was funny, but honestly it was over-the-top-cheeesy and not in a good nick swardson way. lol After, we went to a cute dive bar around town and I got to try more IPA's and Wheat Ales. Then instead of getting the projects for school done, the next day I was asked to go out with him and his friends to a bar to watch the college football game against Iowa vs Iowa State. I am not a huge football fan,but I was trying to show him that I could get into things he is interested in for social reasons. At least it was college football I think that is at least a little more entertaining. lol That was a really close game though. It went longer then I'd had hoped/ thought it would. It went into the 3rd Overtime! It was the first time ever that Iowa vs Iowa state did that! and if you didnt pay attention, Iowa state won finally.
Anyway then I went home and tried to get a lot of my project done for school, but this one project is such a time sucker. I still have to work on some of it tonight along with other shit. Its hard to explain what I had to do, but basically I had to come up with a new technology, then pitch this to my teacher and try to convince him to buy it. IT required a lot of research because it has to be some what believable.
Anyway today is the anniversary of Alyeska's and my 3 rd anniversary of our friendship. I love that girl so much and I have the perfect song from my collection of favorite music to sum up how I truely feel.

I also have not forgotten about the horrible event that happened on 9/11 a decade ago, but that was 10 years ago and 3 years ago my bestie came into my life on that day and I no longer dread that day.
But I do wish the families and friends of those deceased people the strenth to keep carrying on and hope something like that will not repeat itself. I am also glad nothing bad happened today either! I will also hope tomorrow will be just as safe from something that, and for years to come.
Speaking about days to come.. I am still counting down to HOCKEY! I get more excited everyday. I am pretty sure that will get me through this semester. Hockey in my room this year? Hell yeah! Thanks to the tv I got from aly...wow she gives me a lot of stuff. lol
Anyway I should prolly get back to homework/ projects AKA listening/ singing Bohemian rapsody at the top of my lungs for the hundreth time today, along with other oldies from Queen. God I love Freddie mercury!
Night everyone!