Thursday: I got my hair done and I started the book Choke by Chuck Palahniuk.
Friday: I did a bunch of homework to catch up and read a little bit more of Choke. I Also bought my guy friend Robin, a t-shirt for Valentines day.( I know I am early but I wanna make sure it gets to him in time. He lives in Canada)
Its a BIG BANG THEORY shirt with his favorite quote from his favorite character, Sheldon. lol >.<
I cant get into that show much anymore, because it gets so jargony( is that a word??..idk but it is for the sake of me writing now lol) with its geeky genius jargon lol, but I think it is so cute how he likes it that much. I love when he laughs while watching it on the phone with me, I can tell he enjoys it so much...
Saturday: I played with my little sister all day and hung out with the family. They just ate that up, I wasn't able to do anything but spend time with them, play UNO and Banana gram with them. I figured I owed it to my little sister to spend time with her, since what happen over her birthday and xmas because of weather. They wanted all my attention and I wasnt able to sit down and read my book like I wanted that I was sooo into. I did not want to set it down. God I love Chuck Paluhniuk and the way he writes in this book..OM NOM NOM.
Anyways..I played this game called Bananagram (or something like that) for the first time,and of course, I won. Cause I am just that awesome ;D. Lol jp.
Here some pics
On Sunday: My dad was suppose to have a date with my little sisters friend's mom. Cute right? They set up the date, because they had the notion they could be sisters if my dad and her friends mom got together. lol
But then it ended up being cancelled because their dog had an aneurysm and had to be put down. My sister was so upset about that because, she really liked that dog and it reminded her of our old dog,Shiloh. So I sat there and comforted her for a while and then later that night she went over to her friends house to comfort her friend.
While my dad cooked the dinner he was going to cook for the "play date" for just me and him. I had baked spaghetti and crescent rolls that I put different kinds of chesses in and seasoned them with garlic. lol I got to have a little wine with it which was very delicious!
Monday I just did more homework and read a little more. Then I tried to head back to school in the snow storm that was scary! It was soo slick! My dad kept telling me it was going to clear up when it only got worse as the day went on.>.< Finally got back to my room and unpacked. After that I crawled into bed and finally finished "Choke"! I love that book. I love how it all tied together in the end. I wont give anything away incase anybody wants to read it.
My next book adventure is WOMEN by Charles Bukowski.
Right now I am going to listen to the Avs VS Canucks game here in a bit
I hope everyone has a good night!