Okay so my fall break was a good time. I got to go to lincoln again, and see the home opener for the Lincoln Stars. YES.That was so awesome even though we lost, in more ways then. First Alyeska about got into a fight. Read spoiler for details on what happen.
Other then the fight, it was nice to see the first game cause they did this intro and talked about the hall of fame for the team. Also another thing that made me happy was the fact they brought back an old goalie that I liked from the beginning since aly introduced me to the stars. I liked him so much that I named a stuffed moose (that she gave me) after this goalie.
Meet Murdock
Then on Saturday we got up at like 4:30am and got on the road for a 14 hour drive to Texas. lol It sounds boring but we tried on very best to make it fun by singing to old Nsync songs,silly songs, and just being goofy in general! We finally made it and just chillaxed and ate pizza.YUM
Then on Sunday we got up and hung out until she had to take me to the airport so I could go back home. The trip to Dallas was not bad at all, but the last flight OMG lol. It took forever it seemed like. maybe it was the fact that we were flying at a height where my ears would not pop and it started to really hurt. I had problems with my ear a couple days after that even. It was bad lol
Then after that adventure its been boring.. lol Just school.. school.. and more school. lulz I am counting down till I get a month off for Christmas/ new years break lol.. 40 more days(not counting weekends)
Since you made it through my long ass blog I reward you with a
Okay. Just kidding, here is the real surprise