Thank you sushi gods......
The little bit of heaven that you left for me this evening has made life just a little more awesome. The spicy shrimp tempura was delish.
I purchased two new albums today...
1. Gang of Four
2. My Bloody Valentine
Both are pretty good and I will be listening to them a lot the next couple of weeks. I think I like the Gang of Four better but since they are both so different its hard to compare.
I am really bored and lonely in this new town. I think it is rather hard to be a one man show and try to go out and meet people. Atleast I'll always have you Mr.Alcohol. Yes you Mr.Alchol, who has been there with me through thick and thin, in good times and in bad.
Remember that scene in Forrest Gump where Jenny is in the field praying for God to make her a bird? Got that image. good. Same thing here except I'm in a bar wishing for a really hot brunette/blonde/redhead to buy me Makers on the rocks and then harass me between the 200 thread-count egyptian sheets.
C'est la vie...

The little bit of heaven that you left for me this evening has made life just a little more awesome. The spicy shrimp tempura was delish.
I purchased two new albums today...
1. Gang of Four
2. My Bloody Valentine
Both are pretty good and I will be listening to them a lot the next couple of weeks. I think I like the Gang of Four better but since they are both so different its hard to compare.
I am really bored and lonely in this new town. I think it is rather hard to be a one man show and try to go out and meet people. Atleast I'll always have you Mr.Alcohol. Yes you Mr.Alchol, who has been there with me through thick and thin, in good times and in bad.
Remember that scene in Forrest Gump where Jenny is in the field praying for God to make her a bird? Got that image. good. Same thing here except I'm in a bar wishing for a really hot brunette/blonde/redhead to buy me Makers on the rocks and then harass me between the 200 thread-count egyptian sheets.
C'est la vie...
Next time I promise I won't be so drunk when you get here.