Whos a lucky girl? Well me of course! And why you may ask.. bc I have the sweetest hubby ever!
Im not a girl thats into flowers or jewelry. I think its all money better put into something we really want or need. Hell I refused to get an engagement ring and wanted to put that money to the new house. I like gifts that are useful and show me you care.
Yesterday I was super cold all day. Part from the temp drop and part from being on the rag. I asked Dan to pick me up some tampons and advil on his way home. He got me a whole mess of stuff that he thought I would want/ need to make me feel better bc he knew I wasnt feeling well and between the weather and my period thought it would make me feel better.
1. 2 packs of tampons and advil to the rescue
2. Taco Bell - crunchwrap supreme meal - my fav <3. We never eat it bc its so bad for you
3. Blue Snuggy - Im not much of a pink snuggie kinda girl so good choice. made me super happy <3
4. Shick razor blades - not only did he remember me saying I needed more 4 days ago (i forgot all about them when I asked him to go to the drug store) but he remembered what razor I have
5. 2 pairs of gloves (digi cam and green skulls) - on sunday i was joking how its so cold out i need mittons for the house. I love love love the black w green skulls so im going to save them for going out. I have the green digi ones on right now. Yes I have no blood like my grandmother and my hands turn to ice just from using the mouse.
I know it may not seem like much or anything that "wow" to most but it really ment a lot to me.
Im not a girl thats into flowers or jewelry. I think its all money better put into something we really want or need. Hell I refused to get an engagement ring and wanted to put that money to the new house. I like gifts that are useful and show me you care.
Yesterday I was super cold all day. Part from the temp drop and part from being on the rag. I asked Dan to pick me up some tampons and advil on his way home. He got me a whole mess of stuff that he thought I would want/ need to make me feel better bc he knew I wasnt feeling well and between the weather and my period thought it would make me feel better.

1. 2 packs of tampons and advil to the rescue
2. Taco Bell - crunchwrap supreme meal - my fav <3. We never eat it bc its so bad for you
3. Blue Snuggy - Im not much of a pink snuggie kinda girl so good choice. made me super happy <3
4. Shick razor blades - not only did he remember me saying I needed more 4 days ago (i forgot all about them when I asked him to go to the drug store) but he remembered what razor I have
5. 2 pairs of gloves (digi cam and green skulls) - on sunday i was joking how its so cold out i need mittons for the house. I love love love the black w green skulls so im going to save them for going out. I have the green digi ones on right now. Yes I have no blood like my grandmother and my hands turn to ice just from using the mouse.
I know it may not seem like much or anything that "wow" to most but it really ment a lot to me.