After breathing and trying no to think about it I feel a bit better. Off to distract myself by looking for a handbag online. 
X-posted from Social Anxiety group...
I just got a letter saying I have to be a "Telephone Standby Juror" on Dec 21st (Yule
) I have to call a 1 800 # the night before to see if I was picked for the following day. If I am not, I have to call every night for the following 2 weeks or until Im picked to serve. When / if I do have to go, it will take me almost 2 hrs to get there by train. I have undiagnosed agoraphobia. Cant get myself to a Dr. I also have a phobia of being on the phone, unless I know the person. I didnt sleep at all last night and probably wont sleep well until 2 weeks after the 21st. My mother isnt being very helpful bc she wants me to look up a number to call them to say I will be away for the holidays and to reschedule. Having my name put at the bottom of a list and probably getting my new letter for Feb and have to serve on my birthday. I see no point in doing this as it will mean I will still have to go and make me a mess from now until 2 weeks after my next serving date. I have to mail back part of the letter in 5 days. There is one part of the letter that says "Do you have any physical or mental infirmity which would impair your capacity to serve as a juror? If yes and you seek a infirmity excuse please insert a letter or a doctor's statement" My mother said she would go with me to the Dr to talk to him, Im not as bad in public places when Im with someone I know very well. But I dont have health insurance. When I said this to my mother she gave me a hard time about not being married yet and made me feel like shit. My man and I plan on getting married after we buy our first house. We have been looking got a year and 1/2 with out any luck. But I digress, Im not sure what to do about it. Ill I know is Im falling apart.

X-posted from Social Anxiety group...
I just got a letter saying I have to be a "Telephone Standby Juror" on Dec 21st (Yule