I really love this iPod some times. Right now I'm in bed playing Rancid and on SG looking around. Deff better than reading. Just got the new SG app. It's really cute! If only it was tat easy to get girls in a comic shop out of their undies. Lol
I'm getting kinda sick of people putting down SG online. Kinda funny how many haters are out there. Sorry girls but we like well planned sets that weren't just taken in your bf's dirty bathroom. Sorry if SG didn't like the myspace pics you sent in.
Haha but for real... I have been looking at the other sites that "models" seem to like better and they can't hold a flame to the pics or groups or look of this site. It's just has a much better set up. I know some people have have had probs w SG in the past but now that everyone knows the deal, if you don't like it don't send in your pics. I have been told that when I send in my first set I might as well sign over my first born. I find that a bit funny bc I'm not looking to make a living off doing something like this. It's just for fun and to meet some cool people. I have a few ideas for sets that will get done as soon as we move. I could do them now but my moms house isn't really the right setting. Can't wait to have our own place to do what we want with it. Yup yup. So as soon as we get into a new house I'll be a real hopeful lol. We shall see.
Speaking of houses... The house we went to look at it had an offer on it so unless they drop outnothing is going to come out of that one. I just don't understand why there's nothing in an ok town for under $250,000. Don't understand where the working class went. Seems like it's upper mid class and hood. Where should young working class families raise their kids? In the hood along side drug dealers and crack houses? Guess so. Yeah it's been a stressful few months. Every one keeps telling me to keep my head up and well find something that will work out for us. Prob also is that is even if we could get into a house in the upper class towns idk if we would be happy there. We were looking at some house some time ago and you should have seen the looks we were getting. At least in the hood I wouldn't have people thinking I was a freak. If it wasn't be we wanna be in a town that would be good for our kids we would just move anywhere. But. My mom worked too hard to get me out of the hood to but her grandkids right back there. I know my mother in law would have a cow as well. So well keep on looking and keep on hoping.
Mom is having a guy come to look at all the windows this sat. She wants to replace them b4 the winter. So I gotta clear out my old bedroom so he can get to the windows. Had a bunch of boxes and shit in there. Hope to get it all fixed up in time.
This is getting super long but I'm having fun typing on the iPod lol. If any of the words are spelt wrong it's bc the iPod fills in what word it thinks you want. John hates it. He never knows what the fuck I'm talking about on aim. Ok well that's all I have to rant about for now. Time to go look at girls
I'm getting kinda sick of people putting down SG online. Kinda funny how many haters are out there. Sorry girls but we like well planned sets that weren't just taken in your bf's dirty bathroom. Sorry if SG didn't like the myspace pics you sent in.
Haha but for real... I have been looking at the other sites that "models" seem to like better and they can't hold a flame to the pics or groups or look of this site. It's just has a much better set up. I know some people have have had probs w SG in the past but now that everyone knows the deal, if you don't like it don't send in your pics. I have been told that when I send in my first set I might as well sign over my first born. I find that a bit funny bc I'm not looking to make a living off doing something like this. It's just for fun and to meet some cool people. I have a few ideas for sets that will get done as soon as we move. I could do them now but my moms house isn't really the right setting. Can't wait to have our own place to do what we want with it. Yup yup. So as soon as we get into a new house I'll be a real hopeful lol. We shall see.
Speaking of houses... The house we went to look at it had an offer on it so unless they drop outnothing is going to come out of that one. I just don't understand why there's nothing in an ok town for under $250,000. Don't understand where the working class went. Seems like it's upper mid class and hood. Where should young working class families raise their kids? In the hood along side drug dealers and crack houses? Guess so. Yeah it's been a stressful few months. Every one keeps telling me to keep my head up and well find something that will work out for us. Prob also is that is even if we could get into a house in the upper class towns idk if we would be happy there. We were looking at some house some time ago and you should have seen the looks we were getting. At least in the hood I wouldn't have people thinking I was a freak. If it wasn't be we wanna be in a town that would be good for our kids we would just move anywhere. But. My mom worked too hard to get me out of the hood to but her grandkids right back there. I know my mother in law would have a cow as well. So well keep on looking and keep on hoping.
Mom is having a guy come to look at all the windows this sat. She wants to replace them b4 the winter. So I gotta clear out my old bedroom so he can get to the windows. Had a bunch of boxes and shit in there. Hope to get it all fixed up in time.
This is getting super long but I'm having fun typing on the iPod lol. If any of the words are spelt wrong it's bc the iPod fills in what word it thinks you want. John hates it. He never knows what the fuck I'm talking about on aim. Ok well that's all I have to rant about for now. Time to go look at girls