My Food
arrrgh! stuff myself with chinese food tonight. You ever get that craving you just want to eat and eat?
Its been a busy month. very. but i've found myself wanting to go out and doing more! Anxious to get out there and be active! Not sit at my desk!
Been taking more and more photos lately. I feel the want to be a photographer and just take photos of people. It would be amazing to have the photographic flair as cymagen but at the moment, I just love taking photos of people and their natural reactions - especially if they don't know if the camera is pointing at them.
Last night, I finally got my Moo cards ordered. i'll get some photos of them as soon as I get them delivered.
Me in my 80's dressup

arrrgh! stuff myself with chinese food tonight. You ever get that craving you just want to eat and eat?
Its been a busy month. very. but i've found myself wanting to go out and doing more! Anxious to get out there and be active! Not sit at my desk!
Been taking more and more photos lately. I feel the want to be a photographer and just take photos of people. It would be amazing to have the photographic flair as cymagen but at the moment, I just love taking photos of people and their natural reactions - especially if they don't know if the camera is pointing at them.
Last night, I finally got my Moo cards ordered. i'll get some photos of them as soon as I get them delivered.
Me in my 80's dressup

thank you, what a sweet thing to say! 
