My Fail
I kinda knew in the back of my mind that today wasnt going be a good day. Phoned my friend at Virgin to see whether if he had news of a position working for him. That came back with an Great
Secondly is Lisa. I like her. Shes a social butterfly. Did I say I like her? Lots? Thats all Im gonna say.
Actually, there seems to be a few new girls in the office lately. Got on the tube on Wednesday and saw this oriental girl, who got on the same stop as me, sit down and do her makeup for the entire half hour journey. From her eyes, to foundation to brushing her just washed short, she was stunning. The kind of stunning where your eyes just follow her. I got off at my usual stop. So did she. I walked the 50 meters to work. She was behind me. I got into work. So did her. I dismissed this and got to my desk as normal.
Lunchtime passed and I was emailing this girl, V, about leaflets..(yeah, sexy stuff!) where E popped around and then it was her! V! The same girl I was emailing, was the same girl on the tube and she looked even more stunning close up. . .
All of this is all talk though. I think me and my current gf need a break. Why? The last time we went out together to do something was over 2 months ago. The last time we spend a whole evening together was over 2 months ago.
If you cant spend your time, effort and attention with me, then I wont with you.
On a brighter note, Ive spent a whole load of money with Threadless on some new T-shirts. My mate, Dave, says Im a better patron that he is as Im buying Chicago made awesomeness. The irony is that hes from Chicago.
Another brighter note, Ive intentions to learn more tricks with my firestaff and fire poi. Watch the BURN!
Lastly, Ive been a social hermit over the past couple of months. Need to get out there. May scour meetup and see if theres any groups I can gatecrash..
I kinda knew in the back of my mind that today wasnt going be a good day. Phoned my friend at Virgin to see whether if he had news of a position working for him. That came back with an Great
Secondly is Lisa. I like her. Shes a social butterfly. Did I say I like her? Lots? Thats all Im gonna say.
Actually, there seems to be a few new girls in the office lately. Got on the tube on Wednesday and saw this oriental girl, who got on the same stop as me, sit down and do her makeup for the entire half hour journey. From her eyes, to foundation to brushing her just washed short, she was stunning. The kind of stunning where your eyes just follow her. I got off at my usual stop. So did she. I walked the 50 meters to work. She was behind me. I got into work. So did her. I dismissed this and got to my desk as normal.
Lunchtime passed and I was emailing this girl, V, about leaflets..(yeah, sexy stuff!) where E popped around and then it was her! V! The same girl I was emailing, was the same girl on the tube and she looked even more stunning close up. . .
All of this is all talk though. I think me and my current gf need a break. Why? The last time we went out together to do something was over 2 months ago. The last time we spend a whole evening together was over 2 months ago.
If you cant spend your time, effort and attention with me, then I wont with you.
On a brighter note, Ive spent a whole load of money with Threadless on some new T-shirts. My mate, Dave, says Im a better patron that he is as Im buying Chicago made awesomeness. The irony is that hes from Chicago.
Another brighter note, Ive intentions to learn more tricks with my firestaff and fire poi. Watch the BURN!
Lastly, Ive been a social hermit over the past couple of months. Need to get out there. May scour meetup and see if theres any groups I can gatecrash..
Come back!