My Prom Night
I'm getting my stuff together for Prom Night. 'What? Prom?' I hear you say?
Its an 80's gettogether. The anti-school disco. The place where people decend, once a quarter, in North London, a night of proper 80's music whilst dressed how John Hughes pictured. There are two schools of thought- Tuxedo & Puffy Dresses or Maimi Vice & Trashy. There are always people dressed up sharp as a pin or as stunning as a supermodel. But the points always go to those who are creative and somehow, find the most hideous dresses with accessories Cindy Lauper would be of envy. These are the people who manage to pull it it off with style.
This will be my 3rd Prom and the this time I will be dressed up in a tux (and a frilly shirt to add the 80's vibe) and strutting my stuff and shouting to everyone that I "built this city on Rock n Roollllll" (but secretly waiting to emulate Kevin Bacon in Footloose). Yes, it is cheesy but they just don't make scenes like these anymore......
I'm getting my stuff together for Prom Night. 'What? Prom?' I hear you say?
Its an 80's gettogether. The anti-school disco. The place where people decend, once a quarter, in North London, a night of proper 80's music whilst dressed how John Hughes pictured. There are two schools of thought- Tuxedo & Puffy Dresses or Maimi Vice & Trashy. There are always people dressed up sharp as a pin or as stunning as a supermodel. But the points always go to those who are creative and somehow, find the most hideous dresses with accessories Cindy Lauper would be of envy. These are the people who manage to pull it it off with style.
This will be my 3rd Prom and the this time I will be dressed up in a tux (and a frilly shirt to add the 80's vibe) and strutting my stuff and shouting to everyone that I "built this city on Rock n Roollllll" (but secretly waiting to emulate Kevin Bacon in Footloose). Yes, it is cheesy but they just don't make scenes like these anymore......

oh that sucks! maybe next time. there's one in brighton in january!

thank you very much for the set comment!