My sort-of-xmas-so-far
Choosing Xmas presents is always a difficult one. especially for me....I've ended up spending as much for me as for everyone else on my gift list .. even though my brand spanking new SLR i got last month was my 'early' xmas present....
I've been having a busy couple of days. Been busy with the normal work and usual gaming but needed some...
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Choosing Xmas presents is always a difficult one. especially for me....I've ended up spending as much for me as for everyone else on my gift list .. even though my brand spanking new SLR i got last month was my 'early' xmas present....
I've been having a busy couple of days. Been busy with the normal work and usual gaming but needed some...
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My Lie-In
its been a very busy week but here's a list things i'm looking forward to:-
-a lie in tomorrow morning
-good news about my new job
-sorting out this guiness world record attempt next sat
-having a few beers
-getting a pair of white trousers & a cane for my clockwork orange halloween outfit for WhiteMischief
-DeadSpace release on Friday
-my half day...
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its been a very busy week but here's a list things i'm looking forward to:-
-a lie in tomorrow morning
-good news about my new job
-sorting out this guiness world record attempt next sat
-having a few beers
-getting a pair of white trousers & a cane for my clockwork orange halloween outfit for WhiteMischief
-DeadSpace release on Friday
-my half day...
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oh that you very much you made me blush
And thank you so much for checking out my website <3
Well you could have a verterans day party.

And thank you so much for checking out my website <3
Well you could have a verterans day party.

Thanks for the comment!
fitness course is modules online then a days practical training. alot of coursework mainly, learning about nutrition, types of exercises etc.

My Annoyance
'Ack! Kinda annoyed at the mo. Just got myself a brand spanking new camera. Nikon D90. Shiny with the bells and whistles and a screen to blind you after each and every shot. However, my CS2 does not support its RAW! It works with my 4-year old D70 with no probs (which is now redundant, relegated and banished to my camera bag). So...
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'Ack! Kinda annoyed at the mo. Just got myself a brand spanking new camera. Nikon D90. Shiny with the bells and whistles and a screen to blind you after each and every shot. However, my CS2 does not support its RAW! It works with my 4-year old D70 with no probs (which is now redundant, relegated and banished to my camera bag). So...
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hahaha i love it! its pretty funny
My Prom Night
I'm getting my stuff together for Prom Night. 'What? Prom?' I hear you say?
Its an 80's gettogether. The anti-school disco. The place where people decend, once a quarter, in North London, a night of proper 80's music whilst dressed how John Hughes pictured. There are two schools of thought- Tuxedo & Puffy Dresses or Maimi Vice & Trashy. There are always...
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I'm getting my stuff together for Prom Night. 'What? Prom?' I hear you say?
Its an 80's gettogether. The anti-school disco. The place where people decend, once a quarter, in North London, a night of proper 80's music whilst dressed how John Hughes pictured. There are two schools of thought- Tuxedo & Puffy Dresses or Maimi Vice & Trashy. There are always...
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oh that sucks! maybe next time. there's one in brighton in january!
thank you very much for the set comment!
My Username pt deux
Huzz--zah! and FYI for my SG family, I am no longer kjmn543. but rather now RedStatic. Don't ask me why I chose that name because I have no bloody idea. I've changed it because I needed an 'easy' name to remember.
Went to a BBQ last night and it was really good fun. It was P's birthday and she was very...
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Huzz--zah! and FYI for my SG family, I am no longer kjmn543. but rather now RedStatic. Don't ask me why I chose that name because I have no bloody idea. I've changed it because I needed an 'easy' name to remember.
Went to a BBQ last night and it was really good fun. It was P's birthday and she was very...
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see, i didnt like duvel too much. thought it had a weird after taste!
my fav was one called Dommelsch. it was super nummy!
my fav was one called Dommelsch. it was super nummy!

I love that you called them 'pins'.
I'm gonna chill with a cuppa and some Little Britain tonite. I don't have Dr. Who, or I woulda considered it
I'm gonna chill with a cuppa and some Little Britain tonite. I don't have Dr. Who, or I woulda considered it

Note to self, "type what I mean, not type what I say'.. . been reading some of my forum posts and some just do not make any fecking sense. . . !
off for some sleep now before I fall zzzzZZZzzz
off for some sleep now before I fall zzzzZZZzzz
haha i will go out and celebrate! probs on friday with Miyo,Machiko and the rest of the SGUK group! woooo
Should I re-start my blog? I mean, waaay back in the day, I used LiveJournal (remember them?) before blogging was considered 'cool'. When I did, I stopped. I'm not one to be with a 'fad' but after 4 years out of the game, and reading so many SG blogs, (reading more and more every day!), I feel I should contribute my thoughts to the 'tin-ter-web'....
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ok well since i cant reaaaad i thought your messaged said u just got one done. sorry.
I was thinking of doing just one at a time to see how the healing goes
I was thinking of doing just one at a time to see how the healing goes
YOu are so sweet! you totally didnt have to do that!
<3 steller
<3 steller
I goy my SLR early aswell!
Was goos but when it came to xmas there was no excitment