My birthday has come and I am excited to get all of my friends out for my party tomorrow night.biggrin
Happy Belated birthday! smile
You are welcome. I hope you had a great birthday! smile
Sick and tired of those people that want to talk the talk but won't walk the walk.Bring it on.mad
Why do so many women play mind games? They talk a good game but never play the game. It is very frustrating.mad
Thanks so much for all your love and support on my first set The Pink Suite kisskisskiss
Getting a new tat in two weeks. I have designed it and drawn it out exactly how I like it. I am excited and cannot wait. A picture will be posted as soon as I get it done.
Disappointed with all the girls and lack of women that populate this world.I really am not that difficult to please but come on.
Hey!! thank you very much for the love on my set Sunday Vouyerist your support means a lot to me
Thanks so much for your comment on my photo album!! biggrin
I pride myself in always being 100% honest with everyone, and I expect the same in return. I feel shafted when I am lied to especially when it's a really good friend. It hurts. frown
Ok so I went on vacation and did not take my cig's and nor did I buy any when I got to where I was going and never had the urge nor did I think about it.I took two puff's on the way in to work this morning and it tasted nasty so I threw it out and and will be donating the remaining cig's...
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YAY!!!! Good work! I imagine it must be really hard to quit but think of all the money you will save not buying any more packs!
CONGRATS... that is a great way to quit... vaca and painless!

Thanks for the nice comments. I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend!
I have finally gone and gotten some ink done. Its pj which stands for papa joe for my grandfathers that have passed but the way that it looks is like a foreign letter.I got it on my right forearm. I designed it myself and I will design all of my tattoos that I plan to get.I like tattoos that are original that nobody else has....
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Yesterday I saw Lynyrd Skynyrd with my best friend and it was an awesome show. smile
Glad you had a great time!
I am officially a college student again I start on monday 6/30.First I am persuing an associates degree in psychology, then an associates in criminal justice, then step up to bachelors.
Thanks much for the support on my set! It's appreciated kiss