aww that is so cute :3
Mom and my Cousin passed away just this past friday. I sure hope the rest of the year goes alot better.
This September will be especially difficult since it will be my first birthday without you.
cool tattoo <3
Ok so I haven't posted in a while although I have been active on the site in other ways. I am excited to say that I will be getting some new ink soon and will show it off once I get it done.
New Year...New beginnings. This year I am going to try my hardest to make some much needed changes in my life. One major change and the most important is to find a new career.
Thank you for the love on my new set "Rain Dance"


The bearded wonder has returned . I am about three weeks into growing my beard . I plan on keeping it until about march or until I cannot stand it anymore.
Went to see Heart and Def Leppard last night with my best friend and it was awesome!!!!!
And two weeks later I went to the Rockstar Energy Uproar Fest.
So I got fed up with UofP and I am now attending Kaplan working on my Info Tech degree and I am almost a week into classes and things are going good. I think I made a great choice.

I heard the song on the radio about 3 weeks ago and up until that point it was about 17 years since I heard it last.It's going back a bit, pretty old school.Silk- Freak me.
Valentines day is completely overrated.I think Hallmark made it up just as another way to sell people more cards.