I'm in a good mood. I dropped my resume off at the Ottawa Congress Center and didn't hear back from them so I called them and the person that I was employed through before told me, "I'll take you back in a flash. Come by at 1 pm tomorrow and fill out an application."
I arrived there at one and filled out an application and she asked me when I would be ready for work. I told her, "Tomorrow."
"How about Saturday?"
"That's great."
"Oh. Sunday too."
Woo hoo. Now I got two shifts off the bat and I can start making money again. That's great. It's a houseman job that I did before for quite a while. I also did banquets as well for 3.5 years. I'm going to talk to my old boss who is in charge of hiring and see if I can get work through them again. They pay so much better in banquets so that would be a very nice bonus. Plus. I love the job as well.
So yeah. That's what has been happening in my life so far.

I'm in a good mood. I dropped my resume off at the Ottawa Congress Center and didn't hear back from them so I called them and the person that I was employed through before told me, "I'll take you back in a flash. Come by at 1 pm tomorrow and fill out an application."
I arrived there at one and filled out an application and she asked me when I would be ready for work. I told her, "Tomorrow."
"How about Saturday?"
"That's great."
"Oh. Sunday too."
Woo hoo. Now I got two shifts off the bat and I can start making money again. That's great. It's a houseman job that I did before for quite a while. I also did banquets as well for 3.5 years. I'm going to talk to my old boss who is in charge of hiring and see if I can get work through them again. They pay so much better in banquets so that would be a very nice bonus. Plus. I love the job as well.
So yeah. That's what has been happening in my life so far.
I will be sure to tell everyone how it goes as soon as I get home on Saturday