Sooooo. This is my first journal entry. I am not really in the habbit of writing stuff on websites about my personal life. I guess I have started considering that I know no one on this site. I have talked to one person in a private message a couple of times and it wasn't even on this site. So If anyone wants to chat, let me know how to chat privately on this webpage and we'll do something about it
Today is October 9th about 1:11 am. So I guess it would be yesterday that I went to the dentist and I finalized my mouthpeice that I will be wearing while I sleep because I guess I tend to grind my teeth at night. I wake up in the morning most of the time with a very very sore jaw so $341 later (thanks mom), I recieved this very comfortable piece of plastic that I'm supsosed to put in my mouth at night. I looked at it and you could see the surprize grin on my face. "This actually cost $300?? I'm glad I'm not paying for it."
I have no coverage because my old job didn't give me any beneifs so I still have to get my eyes checked but I won't be able to considering the $$ it would cost.
Well, that was pretty much all I did yesterday. Not a very productive day, but I haven't had many considering I'm back in Ottawa visiting my family now that I am on vacation. I'm trying to find work at a old job I had at the Congress Centre and I'm going to be giving them a call tomorrow to see if they have shifts for me. I sure hope so because I really need some money. I have about $150 to my name right now except for what is in savings and I'm not going to be touching that....
Ok, this has been a long even first journey entrey.
Signing off....
If you read this, leave a comment. Just if it's even to say hi. Even though you don't know me. thanks

Today is October 9th about 1:11 am. So I guess it would be yesterday that I went to the dentist and I finalized my mouthpeice that I will be wearing while I sleep because I guess I tend to grind my teeth at night. I wake up in the morning most of the time with a very very sore jaw so $341 later (thanks mom), I recieved this very comfortable piece of plastic that I'm supsosed to put in my mouth at night. I looked at it and you could see the surprize grin on my face. "This actually cost $300?? I'm glad I'm not paying for it."
I have no coverage because my old job didn't give me any beneifs so I still have to get my eyes checked but I won't be able to considering the $$ it would cost.
Well, that was pretty much all I did yesterday. Not a very productive day, but I haven't had many considering I'm back in Ottawa visiting my family now that I am on vacation. I'm trying to find work at a old job I had at the Congress Centre and I'm going to be giving them a call tomorrow to see if they have shifts for me. I sure hope so because I really need some money. I have about $150 to my name right now except for what is in savings and I'm not going to be touching that....
Ok, this has been a long even first journey entrey.
Signing off....
If you read this, leave a comment. Just if it's even to say hi. Even though you don't know me. thanks

Bam is pretty hot! Where's your pic's? I wear a mouth guard at night too, I find I sleep silent all night now, rather waking up 15 times.
Anyway, welcome! Have fun