Fuck its been awhile since my last post. where to start.. maybe with some of the things I've been up to these past few months.
I'm not really a gig person (I've a small problem with large crowds of people) but I was delighted I actually went to some this year. I've only ever been to one before this summer and that was Tool a few years back
ACDC - I couldn't say I was much of a fan before this but I was blown away
Metallica - All I really wanted to see was Alice in Chains and Metallica but I arrived just as Alice in Chains had finished. If anyone was in attendance did you happen to see the fella wearing a blue High School Musical tshirt? (this made me smile)
The Pixies - I thought they were deadly, I would of gone back the following nights if I had been able to get tickets. It was a fairly short gig little over an hour but it was still savage.
I would of loved to have gone travelling this summer but my wallet told me no, I did however make it to the west for a few days in August which was cool, Started in Galway which was cool. Visited Ailee Caves where I managed to smack my head off one of tunnel ceilings despite being warned to mind my head. Then the Cliffs of Moher, its really really windy there.

(The date in the corner is wrong cause we couldn't work the camera)
We also visited a place somewhere outside Ennis which had a crannog, a ring fort, and a small castle. I remember going there when I was younger and thinking it was deadly. The fort has an escape tunnel under one of the huts which i can no longer fit through. It must of shrank or something

For the last three or four years I've wanted to dress up for halloween but never actually did it, so this year I planned ahead. I got the few bits and bobs I needed the most awkward part was growing my beard since it can get unruly at times, and curling it was a bitch. I tries dying it purple as well for the fuck of it.

The make up got all over my clothes but it was worth it.

Not everyone was thrilled to be sitting beside me
I could ramble on for another while yet but I'm gonna leave it there for tonight. I had a story about a 21th and chickens I was gonna share but will leave it for another night. I'll try relay it as soon as I can.
I'm not really a gig person (I've a small problem with large crowds of people) but I was delighted I actually went to some this year. I've only ever been to one before this summer and that was Tool a few years back
ACDC - I couldn't say I was much of a fan before this but I was blown away
Metallica - All I really wanted to see was Alice in Chains and Metallica but I arrived just as Alice in Chains had finished. If anyone was in attendance did you happen to see the fella wearing a blue High School Musical tshirt? (this made me smile)
The Pixies - I thought they were deadly, I would of gone back the following nights if I had been able to get tickets. It was a fairly short gig little over an hour but it was still savage.
I would of loved to have gone travelling this summer but my wallet told me no, I did however make it to the west for a few days in August which was cool, Started in Galway which was cool. Visited Ailee Caves where I managed to smack my head off one of tunnel ceilings despite being warned to mind my head. Then the Cliffs of Moher, its really really windy there.

(The date in the corner is wrong cause we couldn't work the camera)
We also visited a place somewhere outside Ennis which had a crannog, a ring fort, and a small castle. I remember going there when I was younger and thinking it was deadly. The fort has an escape tunnel under one of the huts which i can no longer fit through. It must of shrank or something

For the last three or four years I've wanted to dress up for halloween but never actually did it, so this year I planned ahead. I got the few bits and bobs I needed the most awkward part was growing my beard since it can get unruly at times, and curling it was a bitch. I tries dying it purple as well for the fuck of it.

The make up got all over my clothes but it was worth it.

Not everyone was thrilled to be sitting beside me
I could ramble on for another while yet but I'm gonna leave it there for tonight. I had a story about a 21th and chickens I was gonna share but will leave it for another night. I'll try relay it as soon as I can.
I'm good! Got a new job in Dublin, starting tomorrow...but I've escaped from Dundalk which is all kinds of awesome...mega excited about shenanigans to ensue ^^
You in Thesis season now? How's it going
It's always fun meeting new people, luckily the majority of the people on my team are bang on...then again it takes time to really get the feel for a place. But it's been good so far!
Questions are good, they mean answers are required. My new manager has yet to discover how much I like to question everything! ^^ Harhar
No, I are sorries! I wasn't trying to scaremonger
I was convinced that you had just finished 3rd year. I continually tell myself not to make assumptions..it doesn't work out so well!
How's the workload going, got exams soon?