So I've begun applying for a new job. I really don't want to work some mundane job, stocking shelves or bagging groceries. I'll tell you the thing I dont want to do at all is cashiering. I hate handling other peoples money. Just the thought of it makes me nervous. Not to mention I'll have to deal with bitchy ass customers guaranteed. I havnet even...
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Best of luck to you on the job hunt

you don't want to handle other ppls money but you will strip. ah you are a funny girl
I will be there to keep my pimp hand strong and take half :p
oh gosh I have to tell you too. you respond in their journals otherwise they would never know if you responded. Unless they stalk your journal
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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
This is what my school considers a fucking deress code violation.... leggings. I missed all of 1st period because of leggings. Seriously this is fucking ridiculous.
*If you cant see the images go to thiese to links.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
This is what my school considers a fucking deress code violation.... leggings. I missed all of 1st period because of leggings. Seriously this is fucking ridiculous.
*If you cant see the images go to thiese to links.
good luck with the hot guy across the street! I never went to my senior prom.
you do look totally hot.......if only i had been around
best of luck dahling......take it as it comes!

best of luck dahling......take it as it comes!

Just thought I'd let everyone now that....I'm Single again. And it's awesome, having my freedom back. So things have been pretty good. I've just been busy with school all the time. I need a C in Algebra 2 in order to graduate tho, which is gonna be sooo hard for me. But I'm gonna do my best! Well ya'll I'm off to put...
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there are worse things for algebra......

Well hello, it has been awhile. Things have been crazy as usual lately. I'm afraid I havent been on as much as I'd intended. But I'm hoping to change that now. Tomorrow is the first day back from Spring Break, which is so lame. I was sick for most of my vacation so I didnt really get to go anywhere. Today I went to see...
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I lost my virginity today... Figures it'd be on some corny ass holiday. Fucking Valentines, believe me that was not my intention let's just say it was quite unexpected. It's weird cuz I expected to feel differently about shit, but I basically feel the same... I'm not overjoyed about it and I'm not sad about it, I'm just like okay whatever that was painful but...
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That is my boyfriend of just over 1 month Zack. He's a sweetie. But neways on that note Imma bounce.

That is my boyfriend of just over 1 month Zack. He's a sweetie. But neways on that note Imma bounce.

i*ve Had so much fun with you in the past two days. between the beating. handcuffs. tying down. hot tub. free birds. grinding. sharing lip gloss. ok ok. i think we have been having enough fun. love you! xoxo
She had fun with all of the beating, handcuffs, tying down, hot tub, free birds, grinding, and sharing of lip gloss. if you werent aware.. just thought id let you know, incase you missed it.