What up! How did everyone's Christmas go? Mine was allright...now that my parents are divorced we don't do all the traditions we used to, so it doesn't really have that same nostalgia it used to. kinda depressing, but that's allright! Gotta move on sometime!
I'm looking forward to New Years Eve, but I haven't decided which friends i'm going to hang out with! Why does this happen every year? No one has set plans until a few hours before midnight. I'm thinking of going to Santa Cruz...but I might get a little too outta control if I do that! hmmmm
I'm looking forward to New Years Eve, but I haven't decided which friends i'm going to hang out with! Why does this happen every year? No one has set plans until a few hours before midnight. I'm thinking of going to Santa Cruz...but I might get a little too outta control if I do that! hmmmm

Good new years eve? what did you do?