Oh my god I turn 20 today...i'm not a teenager anymore! *screams!*...I don't wanna grow up! *deep breaths*. What the fuck...well anyways...I started my birthday off with a bowl! Muahahhaha. Too bad I have lots of not fun work to do on my special day! I think i'm going to have DemonicCreator take me to get my nipples pierced in honor of my birthday! I hope I don't chicken out!

i sorta have an excuse (well, no, not really
yep, you're not a teenager any longer. myself, i've got ~nine more months in purgatory. as a birthday present of sorts, i'll treat you to a fenton's desert of your choice*.
(*$8.95 or under)
But yeah, today was my is my 20th and one month birthday. ONLY 11 MONTHS TIL I'M 21!!!! WOO!!!!