Hey folks! Bare with me here, I'm typing with one hand! It's really hard because my left hand fingers are all taped up!
Hmm...so what's new with me...I saw Napoleon Dynamite last night...really weird, but really funny! There is a dance scene that tops most dance scenes I have come across! I was baked too, so that made it even better! lol.
Hm, what else...I have been having really bad dreams lateley, but this morning I had a really good one...I can't remember what happend...but it had to do with sex...and I woke up smiling
Speaking of sex, i've been craving girls lateley...thank god for SG's! I don't know enough bi/lesbian girls!
Well I'm going to go ice my hand!
Hmm...so what's new with me...I saw Napoleon Dynamite last night...really weird, but really funny! There is a dance scene that tops most dance scenes I have come across! I was baked too, so that made it even better! lol.
Hm, what else...I have been having really bad dreams lateley, but this morning I had a really good one...I can't remember what happend...but it had to do with sex...and I woke up smiling

Speaking of sex, i've been craving girls lateley...thank god for SG's! I don't know enough bi/lesbian girls!
Well I'm going to go ice my hand!

I hate that I can't come up with something funny to say about this!!!