What up! How did everyone's Christmas go? Mine was allright...now that my parents are divorced we don't do all the traditions we used to, so it doesn't really have that same nostalgia it used to. kinda depressing, but that's allright! Gotta move on sometime!
I'm looking forward to New Years Eve, but I haven't decided which friends i'm going to hang out with! Why does...
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I'm looking forward to New Years Eve, but I haven't decided which friends i'm going to hang out with! Why does...
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Hello everyone! I'm DONE WITH SCHOOOOOOOOL. A whole month off! Yesss. It feels good to have time to come online again! Nothing new has really happened lateley, i've just been staying up for days straight getting proects done and smoking way to much to keep me calm! Hm what else...oo, my brother is coming home on Tues! I haven't seen him since last spring. Hopefully...
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Bout time you returned...thought you'd forgotten all about us.
Glad school is out for a bit so enjoy this time off. New piercings and garments and such not...post please.

merry christmas
and have a fun new year biatch
and have a fun new year biatch

HEy all!
Im getting so excited for the holidays...only I just need to finish up these few last weeks of school! Then I'll have oodles of time to check SG everyday while im on break! Although I really need a job!! OO Thanksgiving is comin up! My mom is making a huge dinner...I can't wait to eat! Fuck, I gotta go to bed, my mom...
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Im getting so excited for the holidays...only I just need to finish up these few last weeks of school! Then I'll have oodles of time to check SG everyday while im on break! Although I really need a job!! OO Thanksgiving is comin up! My mom is making a huge dinner...I can't wait to eat! Fuck, I gotta go to bed, my mom...
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Just saying hey to a hot sexy lady!!
Have a happy christmas and awesome new year if i dont hear from you.

you must be inundated with coursework. like, because you haven't updated in forever and a day. i would imagine you CCA types have finals, so i hope those went/will go well.

Halloween sucked so much! I spent so much energy getting my sexy bumblebee costume ready at the last minute and then we get to the party and then the cops break it up! What the fuck. On the real halloween i just did homework and a lot of weed and opium with demoniccreator. It was really chill to say the least hehe. Halloween was...
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take pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey all! God, I feel so bad that I haven't been on the site lateleeeey. This one class I have is taking over my life! I'm just recovering from being awake for 2 and a half days working on a project.
Anywayyys...I'm excited for Halloweeeeeen! I'm going to a party where you have to dress up as something sexy lol. I haven't decided what to...
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Anywayyys...I'm excited for Halloweeeeeen! I'm going to a party where you have to dress up as something sexy lol. I haven't decided what to...
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haha thats totally what I am being..weating sexy lengerie and bunny ears

hey, you've still got my electronic mail address (
), correct? just shoot me a message w/ when you think the best time for you would be, and i'll work it into my work sched accordingly (fyi, i work at both see's and starbuckeroos now). if you ever want any candy or coffee, just let me know

Hey all! So sorry it's been so long since i've updated. School has been kicking my butt lateley...But I finally just got finished with this dress I made, and it did really well when I presented it to the class, so im quite satisfied! Hmm...what else...I love my nipple piercings....but im getting tired of waiting for them to heal! its been 4 weeks...Oh! and I...
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I hear you chica, on getting mauled by school work and being drunk. I'm scared of horses though, riding on the backs of animals kinda weirds me out

whoa. it's been, like, almost fifteen days. when you've got time, i'll buy you that fenton's ice cream like i promised. belated birthday or seomething.
I love this:
"I learned through my body and soul that it was necessary to for me to sin, that I needed to lust, that I had to strive for property and experience nausea and the depths of despair in order to learn to love the world and no longer compare it with some kind of desired imaginary world, some imaginary vison of perfection, but...
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"I learned through my body and soul that it was necessary to for me to sin, that I needed to lust, that I had to strive for property and experience nausea and the depths of despair in order to learn to love the world and no longer compare it with some kind of desired imaginary world, some imaginary vison of perfection, but...
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Gotta love something like that...that's why a majority of relationships have been open. My last girlfriend had both me and a girl on the side...no threesomes unfortunatly. Gotta share the love baby.

HELLo PiXie!!!

Hey everyone! Good news! I got some new pics! Nothing exciting, but I think they're cute...demoniccreator took them the other night...I didn't really know he was taking them...I think we were stoned? lol Anyways, hopefully pictures of my new peircings will be on the way soon!

stoned pics are the best

Oh my! I haven't been on for a few days! It was the week from hell as far as school work! It felt like finals already! But on my birthday (THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE B-DAY WISHES!
) I did end up getting my nipples pierced! I love them! It looks so hott! It was kinda of sexy getting them done...DemonicCreator would agree to that...
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Im think'n about piercing my nipples again....I like the whole cross thing..... Yay for you!

wurr are teh pitchurss?
teh hawtt
heh, anyway, speaking of fenton's pic up a copy of the express--the fire is the subject of their feature story, fire and ice cream. it's *delicious*

teh hawtt

Oh my god I turn 20 today...i'm not a teenager anymore! *screams!*...I don't wanna grow up! *deep breaths*. What the fuck...well anyways...I started my birthday off with a bowl! Muahahhaha. Too bad I have lots of not fun work to do on my special day! I think i'm going to have DemonicCreator take me to get my nipples pierced in honor of my birthday! I...
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happy (belated
) burfday, or feliz cumpleaos!
i sorta have an excuse (well, no, not really
) for not getting my birthday greeting to you on time--i wasn't on yesterday
heh, but i'm on right now, so that's what counts, right?
yep, you're not a teenager any longer. myself, i've got ~nine more months in purgatory. as a birthday present of sorts, i'll treat you to a fenton's desert of your choice*.
(*$8.95 or under)

i sorta have an excuse (well, no, not really

yep, you're not a teenager any longer. myself, i've got ~nine more months in purgatory. as a birthday present of sorts, i'll treat you to a fenton's desert of your choice*.
(*$8.95 or under)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!sorry i'm a day late.
But yeah, today was my is my 20th and one month birthday. ONLY 11 MONTHS TIL I'M 21!!!! WOO!!!!
But yeah, today was my is my 20th and one month birthday. ONLY 11 MONTHS TIL I'M 21!!!! WOO!!!!
Hey all! School is going well...but I already have a ton of work to do...and I've spent so much money on supplies already! AhhH! Since art school costs so much money, we should get free supplies for the fucking assignments we get!
Anyways...On Saturday night I went with my friend to see a show at Gilman..The Frisk and The Fleshies played. It was a good...
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Anyways...On Saturday night I went with my friend to see a show at Gilman..The Frisk and The Fleshies played. It was a good...
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Good to hear that school is going well...sucks that supplies are so expensive.
Marker fight huh...guess it's a good thing you had the long shirt to hide your temporary tattoo.

Marker fight huh...guess it's a good thing you had the long shirt to hide your temporary tattoo.

your eyes fucking slay me, piercing. ouch
Hey Y'all! I haven't been on in so long! Ever since my job at the camp has been over, it's been nothing but sex, drugs, and rock n' roll for me! But alas, it all must end because I start school today
I'm excited to go back, but so scared because its so much work, and its so stressful!
On another note, I got my...
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On another note, I got my...
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Well the end of camp went well I see. Sex, drugs and rock n' roll huh...why wasn't I invited.
j/k. Blah to school...but I reckon you have to do it less you wanna work at a cruddy job like mine the rest of your days...lol.
When do we get pics of your new hair?
The Lion King cartoon huh? Well you should watch it for it's Nazi Germany undertones alone, since the film basically sucks. Oh and the fact it was ripped off from a Japanese story.

When do we get pics of your new hair?
The Lion King cartoon huh? Well you should watch it for it's Nazi Germany undertones alone, since the film basically sucks. Oh and the fact it was ripped off from a Japanese story.

nah, i haven't called/left a msg recently... i guess i'm free whenever. rule of thumb, i've got class on tu/th and a night class on mondays. and *you* should be keepin' up in school, missy
hope all is going well 

Good new years eve? what did you do?