Awe.. thanks guys you rawk! !
I was just having a grr momet and chose to vent via blogs , as I said i was feling a litleEMO LOL.... down the river and stuff..LO.I am not going any where I am staying positivee on the outlook I have on myself.. I am just one fthos girlswho speaks her mind when pissed ect.... I was even more outrage aded off when i went to go shop fo SG gear. My GOD! everything is size L or smaller!!!
HELLO!!!!! I have HUGE TITS!! and bubble GHETO ASS!!! is an xl bottom or a xl/1x too ask? I mean for fucks sake!!1 of my tits is as big as my head!!! LITERALLY!!!!dont beleive me?go look iny above avrage pic album!!! i guess i wil avet be reducd to bootleggin my owngear. SAD
..... ok.. off to go bang my head
h: do have some beautiful tits! And it is sad they dont have XL stuff...if you start bootleggin, count me in!
LOL.... i will do.. and it will be freee ofcharge,,i would want no money.. i just want therest of us to be able to own a bad ass tee/pair pair of panties ect too!!!!!!