I'm on the home stretch for classes, and they are driving me mad. I swear, I'm ready to tear my head off. I just need a break from all this shit. Thank god for spring break, get to go back to colorado and see my family and friends, hopefully it will be a good time.
More Blogs
Tuesday May 03, 2005
Currently in the process of looking for apartments to move into after… -
Friday Apr 22, 2005
So birthday was uneventful. Talked to my madre on the telefone and al… -
Thursday Apr 21, 2005
It's my birthday today. I'm 19. I have no one to celebrate it with. … -
Wednesday Apr 20, 2005
Holy shit it's my burfday tommorow! Holy shit holy shit holy shit! … -
Wednesday Apr 20, 2005
I'm in a weird fucking mood. I feel like running around and generally… -
Monday Apr 18, 2005
Definatley had a lame weekend. Did absolutely nothing, and it sucked … -
Tuesday Apr 05, 2005
So yeah, definatley don't post enough journal entries. Not a lot of … -
Tuesday Mar 15, 2005
First round of finals is complete, only 2 rounds of finals to go. … -
Friday Mar 11, 2005
Alright, so it's friday night, and I'm sitting here, surfing the web … -
Tuesday Mar 01, 2005
I'm on the home stretch for classes, and they are driving me mad. I s…