Holy shit it's my burfday tommorow! Holy shit holy shit holy shit!

Wait a second... 19 means nothing in this world. Well fuck it then, it's just a god damn birthday.

At least I was born on the 21st, so I'll be turning 21 on the 21st. That'll be some good times when it rolls around, but alas, is another 2 god damn years away.
I'm in a weird fucking mood. I feel like running around and generally being strange... I need something more productive to do right now.

Browsing around, writing some stuff... nothing to interesting.

Definatley had a lame weekend. Did absolutely nothing, and it sucked hard anus. I love to GET OUT into the world and do things, but I didn't this weekend. I need to ESCAPE.

I saw Sin City though, good lord it was awesome. See it if you haven't.

Nothing interesting to report, other than my birthday is coming up (21st) and my mother is going...
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thank you for your comment on my set smile
So yeah, definatley don't post enough journal entries. Not a lot of incentive when you don't have any friends listed. I guess I'll have to make some god damn it.

So spring break came and went, I visited Colorado, my family and friends, and it was hard coming back. I love Seattle, but I still know so few people. I already made a new friend...
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under hookup, search regionally or by keywords or whatever, bookmark the people that are interesting, comment when they/you have something to say.

we're relatively harmless for bein a bunch of freaks. wink
First round of finals is complete, only 2 rounds of finals to go.

The final was dreadful, I studies my ass off, but to little avail, it seems that they were looking for the most obscure things to put on the test, unlike the midterm which was fairly straightforward ('who was machiavelli?' as opposed to someone with far less reaching influence). I'm a bit frustrated,...
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Alright, so it's friday night, and I'm sitting here, surfing the web alone again. I'm pretty tired of this crap. Blah, I need to meet new people... I've been here six month's and I still don't know too many people. I just wish I could have taken my colorado friends and brought them out here. Too bad it doesn't work that way.

Many of my...
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I'm on the home stretch for classes, and they are driving me mad. I swear, I'm ready to tear my head off. I just need a break from all this shit. Thank god for spring break, get to go back to colorado and see my family and friends, hopefully it will be a good time.
This is the first entry.

Will it be profound? No. Will it move you? Absolutely not. Will it be interesting? Of course not.

Why am I posting it? Because it has to have some preface of some sort, and I suppose this will be as good as any.

Maybe I should try and seem profound by posting some Machiavelli. That will work.

Machiavelli is actually...
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thanks so much for the comment on my set!!! I know its probably really late now, lol, but I had a lotta comments smile