So I decided that the drama of this site sucks and cancelled my membership. Some of the people on the site are pretty cool, but there's a lot of god damn whiners and drama bombs left and right.

What put the nail in the coffin for me was some thread (can't remember which) in which some girl stated an opinion contrary to one of the...
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i hate online drama... but it tends to follow me.
Strange, the troll picture disapeared. Oh well.

So I'm tired. Started the new job on ... Thursday, worked friday before and after class, and then all morning today. I also work on monday, but have tommorow off which (i hope) will be nice, I hope to get some quality time with certain friends, and basically relax.

There's a tournament down in Olympia tommorow I could...
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Fuck the car. I'm now $300 poorer, but I now have a functioning car. Oh well, there are worse things I suppose. I go back into my job today to get things figured out, so now I'm going to be sure of what I'm actually going to do, when I start, what my hours will be, etc. Thank god for having a job.

Yep, things...
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thanks so much for the compliment on my set. biggrin

and yes, cars suck for the budget. frown
So the car has been taken to the service station. We jumped it and it ran fine after getting jumped, but it wasn't charging the battery, so it just died after turning the motor off. So it's probably something with the alternator or the electrical system in general. Let's just hope it won't be too expensive.

So I met up with Lauren last night after...
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I fuck with the car all day yesterday and today. Still not working. Tommorow I'm getting a hand, and we'll try to give it a jump. If it doesn't run with a jump, I'm going to have to pay to get it towed. Just what I don't need.

God damn it. I hate cars.
They are indeed a blessing and a curse. What kind of car is it?
It's a '99 Saturn SC-1. It's had some problems before, but nothing that wasn't too difficult to get fixed or just part of routine maintenance. Now it's gone too far this time.
Fucking piece of shit car. I spent all day trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with it, to find that I need to take in it for service. I had to haul the goddamned battered arround Seattle, probably walking 15-20 blocks with the battery (which weighed a lot, although I don't know how much.)

I hate cars. I wish I didn't need...
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What's there to say really,

Life just seems to be working itself out, no more of this depression shit. No more of this self-conscious bullshit. I'm arranging my life, I'm meeting great new people and I'm happy. Oh god, for once I am happy.

This is a big step for me in a really long time, so I just had to say something.
well i do love my boots.. but they're rather inpractical, im afraid tongue

thank you for the comment on my set! x
So yeah, I'm just giddy with joy. Can you believe that? Me! Joy! In the same sentence!

No really, I actually feel wonderful. I met the most wonderful girl in the world, and we just instantly connected. I've never felt this good about a new friend, I've seen her twice in the two days that I've known her (although today I just sort of ran...
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i have known the guys for a while, this is a small country and if you like matal you cant help but meating everyone else who can to....plus the bassplayer and i grew up in the same little town. Glad you like it
Ahhh... here I am. Really comfortable in my "new" garage sale desk chair, sitting in front of the gigantic monitor my brother gave me, listening to front 242 spilling from my right speaker (the left is not working...)

I've finally moved into my apartment, and god damn does it feel wonderful. Drinking beer, being lazy, and generally enjoying myself. . . that is until I...
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thank you dear. blush
I'm off to Seattle for goood now.

Goodbye Colorado.

..and now for the rest of my life...
I'm back in Colorado for a week. To tired to fill in the details of my trip, will fill in later...
well thank you smile but i really cant take credit for how nice people were to you here smile
Why were you in Denmark anyway?
I was in Copenhagen studying at the University through the studieskole, so, if you can actually believe it, I was in Denmark to study Danish.

I'm actually a Danish major at the university of Washington, so it's all part of my continuing education. It was also a good chance to have fun in the city and drink an excessive amount.