Our mood depends of a lots of things. Sometiems it's strange - we can feel happiness when have a troubles of the work and at the rainy weather or feel bad when the sun is shinning at the streets.
Why so? Because all we have a lot of big and little things what can make you feel better in any time. For me it can be good jokes from my friends, hot coffe in my cup and couples of interesting books in my phone. And then dosen't matter what weather out from the window =)
What about you? What help to feel you better?
Thank you @missy and @rambo

Usually go in a park with a book or playing guitar drinking hot coffee. Sometimes just taking some times for me without thinking about problems :)

Giving to others makes me feel better. I believe that your soul goes out from you every moment in every action you take. Like waves these actions go on forever, their qualities affect everything they touch. That is amazing, huge and taking full responsibility is an infinite task and a wonderous contemplation. The results are ones afterlife, ones eternity. Death is like a leaf falling from a tree.