I had a dream a long time ago, before Bush, before any of this recent shit, that in our (my) lifetime I would know some kind of crazy, otherworldly violence, disruption, chaos. Some kind of disruption to this artificially maintained status quo that is the West, that is Canada, with its resources and low population. In the dream I think I was carrying a rifle or something. It was like a civil war. I don't know. It seems crazy. In a way it doesn't seem so far off. If you take the long view, every civilization falls apart, usually for ecological reasons essentially. We are no different, though our culture breeds a sense of immunity. It seems though that this culture is so global that the house of cards may fall on all of us.
It seems to be a hard to swallow (fact?) that our hands are always bloody. The fruits of our civilization may be the direct result of the enslavery of others and the dessimation of our planet (somewhere else). So I say these things, sitting at the laptop, sitting on my exercise ball after a couple of pints of grasshopper (I refuse to acknowledge the cold and switch to Trad). And feeling vaguely good because I patched the beloved ball instead of buying a new one... silly isn't it? But you are right, we are all apart of it. In fact, we may be 'it'. My indifference or small scope is shocking...
This business in Asia is crazy, apparently arbitrary and it sounds like you know people affected. Mother nature as they say. Perhaps there will be no more human created chaos when we all have friends everywhere...Perhaps despite all the loss of life, there is a small piece of hope. Perhaps an event like this will shake the consciousness of the powerful and all of the craziness of the neo-colonialists will be transcended. Perhaps an event like this could bring us toward a more truly global world where the suffering of those far away is recognized as our own suffering as well...
As Leonard Cohen once wrote, "there is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light get's in, that's how the light gets in..."
It seems to be a hard to swallow (fact?) that our hands are always bloody. The fruits of our civilization may be the direct result of the enslavery of others and the dessimation of our planet (somewhere else). So I say these things, sitting at the laptop, sitting on my exercise ball after a couple of pints of grasshopper (I refuse to acknowledge the cold and switch to Trad). And feeling vaguely good because I patched the beloved ball instead of buying a new one... silly isn't it? But you are right, we are all apart of it. In fact, we may be 'it'. My indifference or small scope is shocking...
This business in Asia is crazy, apparently arbitrary and it sounds like you know people affected. Mother nature as they say. Perhaps there will be no more human created chaos when we all have friends everywhere...Perhaps despite all the loss of life, there is a small piece of hope. Perhaps an event like this will shake the consciousness of the powerful and all of the craziness of the neo-colonialists will be transcended. Perhaps an event like this could bring us toward a more truly global world where the suffering of those far away is recognized as our own suffering as well...
As Leonard Cohen once wrote, "there is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light get's in, that's how the light gets in..."
Maybe optimism and brewskies go hand in hand.
Check out the thread about the party