Gots a new kitten this weekend! Her name is Lex and she is too cute for words...
Other than the kitten, things have been pretty boring. I have been staying home and watching CSI a lot. One of my good friends is getting married on Saturday so that should be hoot. The reception starts at 6:30 and goes until the club closes. My birthday is coming up in a few weeks (October 3rd) and I am pretty sure we are going on a gambling cruise out of Daytona the following Saturday (the 8th). They cancelled inventory at work so I won't be stuck there on my birthday, thank goodness!
I really want to go to the beach or the springs or something but all of my friends are either anti-sun or big lushes who won't get up early enough to go (we are talking noon here people!).
My friend, SiameseGun, joined a few days ago so I now have a whopping 200 army points. I carry stickers in my purse but always forget to stick 'em places! Of course, I still haven't uploaded the pics of the stickers I did so whatev.
Well, I was going to go to bed early but Encino Man just came on. I am such a sucker for Paulie Shore. Sad, I know.

Other than the kitten, things have been pretty boring. I have been staying home and watching CSI a lot. One of my good friends is getting married on Saturday so that should be hoot. The reception starts at 6:30 and goes until the club closes. My birthday is coming up in a few weeks (October 3rd) and I am pretty sure we are going on a gambling cruise out of Daytona the following Saturday (the 8th). They cancelled inventory at work so I won't be stuck there on my birthday, thank goodness!
I really want to go to the beach or the springs or something but all of my friends are either anti-sun or big lushes who won't get up early enough to go (we are talking noon here people!).
My friend, SiameseGun, joined a few days ago so I now have a whopping 200 army points. I carry stickers in my purse but always forget to stick 'em places! Of course, I still haven't uploaded the pics of the stickers I did so whatev.
Well, I was going to go to bed early but Encino Man just came on. I am such a sucker for Paulie Shore. Sad, I know.