So the move across the state is nearly complete. Going from the very big surrounding Chicagoland area to a small town of roughly 6000 people is an exciting adventure for me. Everyone keeps telling me I'm going to get bored, but I'm actually looking forward to slowing things down a little bit. Besides, if I get the hankering to venture into a big city for...
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Hey hey. Thanks for the compliment on my blog! I am proud of my editing progress! And you might wanna join SG Indy group if you haven't already. Indianapolis is a great party city =) Also if you feel like an AWESOME place to bar hop, look up "Broadripple, IN". OMG it's awesome.
6 months since my last blog?? Where does the time go? Lot's to catch up on, most of it crap. Started off the year with a break-up, but we are still good friends. Haven't had a date since then, but I don't seem to have time lately to worry about it. Lost my job in May and have spent the last 3 months searching for...
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Thank you!
Time again for an update. I kind of disappeared from SG for a couple weeks. Kind of been in a funk lately, but slowly pulling myself out of it.
Random stuff going on lately:
I just started watching The Walking Dead and got caught up to the current episodes. Where the hell have I been? This is a great show!
My son and I have...
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Random stuff going on lately:
I just started watching The Walking Dead and got caught up to the current episodes. Where the hell have I been? This is a great show!
My son and I have...
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aww thank you for comment my set.
thanks so much!!!! yay!!!!!
Hello all. Time for another update. My friend and tattoo artist Jimmy decided this week that he was going to help me drown my recent breakup blues by adding some more pain. Good pain. Tattoo pain. Today was my 4th tattoo session in the last 6 days. A total of 24 hours getting drilled on in the last week. Although I find tattoo sessions therapeutic...
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tattoo pain is always the best pain.
Umm I totally wanna cuddle with your doggie.
And thanks for the get well wishes.
Umm I totally wanna cuddle with your doggie.
And thanks for the get well wishes.
Oh my god, the knight is GORGEOUS!!! So intricate and cool. Keep us posted as usual with your progress.
I absolutely LOVE being tattooed, but I think you win for the crazy marathon you went through in a 24 hour period. I'm not sure I could do that. You're my tattoo hero!
(love the doc humor by the way.... brilliant!)
I absolutely LOVE being tattooed, but I think you win for the crazy marathon you went through in a 24 hour period. I'm not sure I could do that. You're my tattoo hero!

(love the doc humor by the way.... brilliant!)
So today didn't quite start off as I had hoped. I have been in a long distance relationship with a very cool gal for the past 6 months and this morning she told me she "just doesn't feel that way" about me any longer and cannot see us together in the future. Well. That just sucks. I had plans to fly out to her place...
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Thank you. I will surely try to 

Aw thank you! Xox

Hello all and Happy New Year!
So the end of 2011 brings with it, of course, some reflection on the last year, both good and bad. My 2011 started off very rough. I pulled my daughter out of a bad situation and got her into drug rehab. She is now clean and sober and doing well with a new job and new lease on life....
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So the end of 2011 brings with it, of course, some reflection on the last year, both good and bad. My 2011 started off very rough. I pulled my daughter out of a bad situation and got her into drug rehab. She is now clean and sober and doing well with a new job and new lease on life....
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thank you so much. 

I love that you liked

Hello again SG folks! Time for another update.
For some reason I'm not really feeling the Holiday spirit this year. I've been working way too much and not getting out at all. I feel like a hermit on my days off and I'm always tired. My friend and tattoo artist Jimmy was nice enough to call me out on this yesterday. He called and demanded...
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For some reason I'm not really feeling the Holiday spirit this year. I've been working way too much and not getting out at all. I feel like a hermit on my days off and I'm always tired. My friend and tattoo artist Jimmy was nice enough to call me out on this yesterday. He called and demanded...
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Last year I wasn't in the holiday spirit AT ALL but I managed to pull it out this year and enjoy myself. I've decided that holiday cheer takes personal effort and sometimes it's just okay not to put effort into it if it's not genuine. You'll find your inner elf again sometime. Fear not!
I know exactly what you mean about "looking like" or "acting like" a doctor and I TOTALLY agree that most docs are a bunch of boring stiffs. My best pal, chirpy33 is a doc too and we often say how much we hate our own kind.
I've got 14 earrings and a nose piercing, lots of visible, artful tattoos and my hair has been highlighted with everything from platinum blonde to lavender to cherry red. My brave patients would ask questions about it and they were always courteous. However, any time I go to a professional conference or an academy meeting, I can feel the stares from my colleagues as my tattooed arms and legs peek out from skirts and short sleeves. Who said we all have to give up our individuality to become part of a "professional collective"? Good on ya for being so comfortable in your own skin. Here's a pic from one of my favorite books ever called "Inked, Inc." It made me think of you instantly! I think it's out of print now, but seriously it's all about exactly what we're talking about here.
I know exactly what you mean about "looking like" or "acting like" a doctor and I TOTALLY agree that most docs are a bunch of boring stiffs. My best pal, chirpy33 is a doc too and we often say how much we hate our own kind.

Have a most excellent New Year and all the best to you in 2012!
Hello all,
I have a few days off so I thought I would update my blog. Things have been going ok here, just working a lot. It seems like there is never a shortage of sick people in the ER. I guess it's a good thing that work keeps me busy because home life is pretty boring. My buddy Oz keeps me company. Osborne is...
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I have a few days off so I thought I would update my blog. Things have been going ok here, just working a lot. It seems like there is never a shortage of sick people in the ER. I guess it's a good thing that work keeps me busy because home life is pretty boring. My buddy Oz keeps me company. Osborne is...
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thanks for sharing all those great pictures! As a fellow "old timer" here myself, it's nice to see someone turn up who bucks the demographic trend a little. 

Thanks dmac, us old folks have to stick together. Especially us "odd docs".
Hey SG folks! So October was a pretty great month. Amber and I spent a week in Cabo San Lucas with my dad and step-mom and we all had a great time. This was Amber's first time in Cabo and we sure made the most of it. We spent several days just lounging around the resort pool with lots of fruity drinks and then combed...
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Thank for the comment on my blog!
The vacation pics were awesome! Looks like a great time.
As far as the pain and the ink - Ive had my whole back done and the part that really got me was the sides by your ribs and the lowest of the lower back... Owwww - I will have more parts to compare it to as Im planning sleeves and some leg pieces as well... probably will end up with a full body suit my artist teases me. Although he will refuse to do my boobs he said - says it would be creepy as hes like a brother to me now!

As far as the pain and the ink - Ive had my whole back done and the part that really got me was the sides by your ribs and the lowest of the lower back... Owwww - I will have more parts to compare it to as Im planning sleeves and some leg pieces as well... probably will end up with a full body suit my artist teases me. Although he will refuse to do my boobs he said - says it would be creepy as hes like a brother to me now!

Got some new ink today. Covering up 2 really old, bad tattoos and continuing my back piece. I've always been a King Arthur and midieval fan/geek and my first 2 tattoos were a wizard on my right scapula that over time looked more like the Keebler elf and a dragon on my left scapula that looked like a seahorse gone wrong. I've wanted to keep...
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Thank you for your com on my set!!
Thanks for your friend request!
nice tattoo