Well , I guess it's time to update ...dont know how some of you girls do it every day...I guess it's why I buy a new beautiful diary every January ...keep it religiously for about six weeks then the gaps between entries get more and more pronounced until it loses itself under one of the piles of paperwork which seems to haunt my work table and another year is scribbled on a myriad of paper scraps and computer entries...just bought another digital camera...already have one i hardly use ..but this one I could'nt resist ... a tiny little Pentax with a magic zoom lens and 5 megapixels of resolution... the sweetest aspect is that it is only the size of a packet of fags and yet it has a huge display screen and as all Pentax cameras , a beautiful soft lens. Because it is so small I can slip it in my pocket and take it everywhere and so i am managing to get some spontaneous shots around town....caught a local well known papparazi creep in his ming blue oversized 60's Chevrolet weeping upon his ex girlfriend who had finally dumped him for a ' younger' man.after years of abuse and ridicule..was fabulous irony really as he saw me take the shot as i drove by and his face froze in horror , unfortunately as i was driving so fast i only caught the end of his wet nose and the alarmed girlfriend shaking her finger at him ... but , really ...he assumes i have a ' scoop' and no scruples as he has , so i'll have to be content with his sleepless nights as a torture as repayment to Nicole Kidman who he spies on when she is back home here in sydney... when i see her next i'll print out a copy of his wet nose for some personal entertainment.Must drive past his girlfriends apartment more often... camera at the ready !!! Anyhow , ' reportage ' is lots of fun.....Besides all that , I am bored shitless and decided I need a girlfriend ...I know heaps but dont fancy any of them and as I have been ' spoilt' with great women I am maybe too choosey...or so i am told... but , i enjoy my solitude as well and also i have a penchant for beautiful asian girls...went into a late night store the other night and melted as this gorgeous asian girl smiled her way into my wallet ..ended up spending about forty dollars on the greatest load of crap i could find when all i wanted was a tin of dog food...she was sooo beautiful and soft...when i go to friends places sometimes who are in relationships , i so often leave breathing a huge sigh of relief as i climb into my car to go home alone..phew !!!...cant decide ..i guess it'll happen if its meant to... although i am becoming a huge homebody...oh well , ...thank god i have my son Sam and Billy and Tattoo...how do people live without children or at least an animal or three...the older i get the more obtuse i seem to become ..love to all xxx
I never said the world was against me, yeesh. I just leave myself open to be hurt too much when I'm too trusting.
maybe if you knew my situation or read any of my past journals youd quit passing off my journal entries as dramatic rants.
thanks for commin out