SAM TURNED 16 TODAY 22/12/05...
It appears that 16 year olds dont throw real birthday parties anymore ...
...they prefer to just 'CHILL'....with their mates ...and girlfriends..
We got up at 6am and took the train to Woolongong hour and a half or so down south through some extremely beautiful beaches and National buy me a new ute ... a shiney black whore with beautiful wheels ...all dressed up and dying to go...she's an older model....but brazenly sensual... and she goes like a dream....found it on Ebay ...where else !!!
Now I dont have just one vehicle ...or two ....but I am about to dispose of two to some eager Backpackers..I hope....
Anyhow , Christmas cheer to all of you and I hope that the New Year really does produce some positively charged energy to achieve your goals next year.... xx
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