well things got a little sloppy on friday night.... it pretty much consisted of me drinking an entire bottle of wine in the car well driving to a party for the evening. then i drank some more, went to a bar and drank even more, spilled a lot of booze and passed the fuck out.
oh and when i went for breakfast in the morning...
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I've come to the conclusion that I only make these updates for Helena, cause I love her and otherwise she will complain.
So here it is:
Went to the Grill last nite for a bit to see Might as Well. It was a good time as usual. I love when they play at the grill cause there is always so many drunk people.
Afterwards I...
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i love that you make these updates for me!

kristins thing is a long story and unimportant...the owner is a douche and thats about all that matters.

ill is playing there tonight though so if your there you best be bringing your shit causing attitude because that place is gonna outta control
another uneventful update:

it's saturday. i'm at work. blah.
i'm working tomorrow too and it's easter so i get double time. booyah, good for me! biggrin
i just still have money left from when i was working...but its starting to disappear...so thats not good.

see ya tonight.
So I suck at writing about my life here...
Maybe it's because I'm lazy, or mybe it's because I don't have a life. Maybe it's both... I dont know.

This weekend is easter and I have to work... it kinda sucks cause working weekends and holidays is totally lame so it stands to reason that working a holiday weekend would totally suck more than anything...
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that was uneventful......but at least it was an update.
remind me on saturday to give you your money. i have the money i just forget...i have the memory of a goldfish....like seriously..some times i say things then when people give me an answer i dont remember what i asked....so ya....ive got money coming out my ass just ask for some of it when we are in real life.
i got kicked out of a st.patrick's day celebration at like 10pm, but i just went somewhere else and drank there instead. Suckers.
good for you hun!
you suck at writing about your life in here....and if you dont how will i ever know whats going on since i NEVER ever see you anymore....are you coming at least to see maw this weekend?
well today i had to go to this conference thingy downtown.... i'm gonna have to say it was really boring, i think i almost fell asleep like 6 times.
also, i took the train cause i thought it would be better than driving. it wasn't. the conference was over at 3:30 and the first afternoon train wasnt till 4:30 so i had to sit in...
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yep..you were pretty fucking wasted....but you just ate a "little bit" riiighht??
the best part was when neal was trying to say hi to you, and then me and him were making fun of you....and it took you like 5 mnutes to notice that anything was even going on around you. then you said "ohh hey, wanna cuddle?"


also...you guys left and missed a whole crap load of hilarious stuff...that included me joanne & joel terrorizing everyone while neal supervised. and balls.....weird red balls.
ddue that band was fucking creepy. i tried to be all positice and be like "well at least "their" having fun." but it was too much. i couldnt handle it...me and erik had to go outside and smoke.
Conversation with my friend at the bar last night:

Friend: Do you like my make-up?
Me: Why?
Friend: It's yesterday's make-up
Me: Why? What was your make-up yesterday?
Friend: This, only better
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was me!!!
i think??? right? hahaha i am so fucking classy it hurts. i woke up at 6:30 this evening.
What's so funny about that?
Why do people put stuffed animals in their car?

like on the dashboard and in the back window and stuff????? I HATE THAT. it's like advertising that you enjoy crying during chick flicks and you talk baby talk to your cat and your boyfriend.

VOMIT!!!!!!!!! puke puke puke
about to leave for motley crue... it should be fun...

helena and tina have comprised some sort of outfits consisting of pleather and lace gloves. i can't wait till they get here so we can take lots of pictures.

i hope i see so many mullets i get whiplash... mullets rule! love love love
i love petting mullets. love
Mullets suck
The end of February is fast approaching and that means the end of the 2004 golf cart girl of the year contest.

My friend Victoria D is in second place and needs everyones help to kick butt and win this thing. (and then maybe she'll stop bugging me about it, lol)

So vote every day till March 1st for Victoria D @ www.golfcartgirls.com

ps... helena,...
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you are such a golf cart girls whore.
vik better be taking you on her trip if she wins...you and joanne and fucking jeff.
oh diana.....that is why i love you.
im at 33 now. tongue