Seeing hopeful Princessina on today's pages posing in heavy snow brought back a nice memory from a few years ago. My girlfriend at the time came over one evening as it had finished snowing; there was maybe 3 or 4 inches on the ground. We got to making out as usual and she said she'd been fantasizing on the way over about making love in the snow. Damn we both got excited. I said well we're both excited and there is snow outside and plenty of privacy (I lived out in the country), so we grabbed a blanket and headed out. Between my garage and a pear tree was some shelter from the cold wind coming through so we through the blanket down and got going. It was like all the sensations were enhanced; it wasn't a feeling of cold at all, but more a feeling of buzzing nerve was great. Oddly enough we never did it again like that nor have I even suggested it to my wife. I think it was one of those things that would never be so great if I tried to duplicate it.
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