So I watched Halloween 4 for the first time ever. I bought the Blu-Ray boxed set, so damn it I'm going to watch them all even if it kills me (based on the quality of this one it might). There were some bright spots though I really liked the relationship between Jamie and Rachel. It was cool to see a strong female characters in movies like these because that is frequently not the case. Rachel trying to protect Jamie from Michael Myers gave the movie some emotional weight that it needed desperately. Other than that, it struggles badly. Firstly, Michael Myers costume is just really bad. The mask looks weird, and you can tell in particular scenes when the bulked up the jumpsuit for stunts. There are all kinds of timeline and logic problems. Also, the "twist" ending just rings hollow. It feels like there is a good movie in there, but it ended up just being a cash grab flick.
P.S. I know it is weird to review a movie that is almost 30 years old, but I was a very small kid when it came out and didn't have the means to broadcast my thoughts on it to strangers.