yesterday i was out wandering the countryside with my girl, and we happened upon some free time. while waiting the couple hours for our movie of choice to start at the theatre, we went to the mall next door. Spott stopped into the blood drive to donate, and i went wandering the nearby stores, finding these:

normally, i'd just buy them and be in love. but i just finished paying for freaking expensive ones of the tall-legged flat-footed variety. as in last paycheck. i refuse to buy the cheap Payless ones solely on principle (no pun intended). i resent these boots.
warning: here comes the mini-rant
what i want to know is why the hell i'm always ahead by at least 6 months (if not a year, or two, or 5) regarding specific styles that i want. WHY? why couldn't i, 5 years ago, walk into a store, say "i want knee-high, flat-footed boots, and have them actually be there? another time, it was the gold ballet flats i was looking for for Ma's wedding reception 4 years ago. for the longest time, i was looking for an affordable women's blazer with square cut bottom closure corners because that "soft look" just doesn't cut it on me - for what? to find one for $400 in a store i normally wouldn't set foot in, a year later! seriously, folks, i'm beginning to think i missed my calling.
ok. rant's over. i have plenty more to say, but i lost steam.
anywho. i really want my boots. my estimated delivery is sometime in February. at least they're on the production line now, though, and i have an email directly to the lady actually making them, so i can find out where they are in the process whenever i choose to be a pain in the ass.
so... current life not regarding boots...
Spotty and i are still awesome, work sucks big hairy donkey balls, and what i managed to see of The Bourne Ultimatum was fairly good until motion sickness got too bad for me to stay in the theatre. put the freaking camera on a track once in a while, how 'bout it?
i'm really looking forward to Ring of Fire next Saturday night. the actual display, while fun, doesn't really knock one's socks off, but there are a bunch of people planning to come that i don't get to see nearly enough. good stuff.
today is my "home alone" day off - the one where everyone leaves me the hell alone to clean house. in fact, i'm gonna go take care of some of that.
later all!

normally, i'd just buy them and be in love. but i just finished paying for freaking expensive ones of the tall-legged flat-footed variety. as in last paycheck. i refuse to buy the cheap Payless ones solely on principle (no pun intended). i resent these boots.
warning: here comes the mini-rant
what i want to know is why the hell i'm always ahead by at least 6 months (if not a year, or two, or 5) regarding specific styles that i want. WHY? why couldn't i, 5 years ago, walk into a store, say "i want knee-high, flat-footed boots, and have them actually be there? another time, it was the gold ballet flats i was looking for for Ma's wedding reception 4 years ago. for the longest time, i was looking for an affordable women's blazer with square cut bottom closure corners because that "soft look" just doesn't cut it on me - for what? to find one for $400 in a store i normally wouldn't set foot in, a year later! seriously, folks, i'm beginning to think i missed my calling.
ok. rant's over. i have plenty more to say, but i lost steam.
anywho. i really want my boots. my estimated delivery is sometime in February. at least they're on the production line now, though, and i have an email directly to the lady actually making them, so i can find out where they are in the process whenever i choose to be a pain in the ass.

so... current life not regarding boots...
Spotty and i are still awesome, work sucks big hairy donkey balls, and what i managed to see of The Bourne Ultimatum was fairly good until motion sickness got too bad for me to stay in the theatre. put the freaking camera on a track once in a while, how 'bout it?
i'm really looking forward to Ring of Fire next Saturday night. the actual display, while fun, doesn't really knock one's socks off, but there are a bunch of people planning to come that i don't get to see nearly enough. good stuff.

today is my "home alone" day off - the one where everyone leaves me the hell alone to clean house. in fact, i'm gonna go take care of some of that.
later all!
I can't remember the last time i went to a theatre....I have been to the drive in several times this year but not the theatre....