filthy little teenage country girl, playing at pristine in her shiny white grand am, driving with the windows down and the stereo blasting, giving mean looks to everyone in the cars around her while she trys to play it tough and city with her poetry and beat on the radio, shows everyone their favorite cheerleader... until in the middle of a busy street she tosses a handful of dirty brown used napkins out the window, not one or two, but a whole handful, and speeds off leaving them on the ground to rot or blow away as they will. thinking this was the worst, i continue to follow the path that brings me home, unfortunately following her, and a few minutes later it happens again! pristine baby-face tosses white wax-paper food wrappers out the far side of the car, caring neither about the people in the lane there, nor those behind her who are now rudely smacked with garbage. praying she turns, or that i do before her, and thinking to myself "what a trashy little douchebag", i watch her defile and disrespect our planet and our laws once again. moments later she sneers directly at me as she blasts her radio to outstrip mine while sitting at a traffic light. the only thought i had by then was "i hope, for the sake of the world and the people in it, that that particular person finds herself eventually buried in garbage, too thick and heavy for her to move, and with noone willing to toss it out the window for her."
i know saying that isn't right, and i'm sure karma will hand it back to me sometime, but there is nothing i hate more than disrespect for our home and our health. and she had plenty of it.
i know saying that isn't right, and i'm sure karma will hand it back to me sometime, but there is nothing i hate more than disrespect for our home and our health. and she had plenty of it.
ahhh, nothing like general disrespect for everyone at once. the cute little girls are the worst for it, cause daddy will always get them out of trouble. *sigh* you should of jumped her and made her pick up the garbage with her teeth