This is a poem i wrote when i was the joker on halloween sorry but he's a crazy guy and i was thinking like he would've. Enjoy.
Why is everyone always so serious?
the whole damn world is completley delirious
why do they have to always be furious?
the way they act has got me curious.
can't be calm they just want to bury us
no laughs,no chuckles,no smirks, no smiles
crowds of blank faces that go on for miles
emotionless bodies that stack up in piles
no longer human,just hollowed out files
i'v seen more substance in asylum tiles
they've got no humor i must confess
they've turned gotham city into a mess
all of these people i do detest
the way they act puts me in unrest
so lets bury a dagger into their chests!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Mr. J
Why is everyone always so serious?
the whole damn world is completley delirious
why do they have to always be furious?
the way they act has got me curious.
can't be calm they just want to bury us
no laughs,no chuckles,no smirks, no smiles
crowds of blank faces that go on for miles
emotionless bodies that stack up in piles
no longer human,just hollowed out files
i'v seen more substance in asylum tiles
they've got no humor i must confess
they've turned gotham city into a mess
all of these people i do detest
the way they act puts me in unrest
so lets bury a dagger into their chests!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Mr. J