So I'm starting an entry within this blog that will focus on some music that has passed me by this week.
I'll be making this a common thing in between life updates and the SG set review posts I'll start sharing here on this blog soon.
So bare with me as I assemble all this awesome content. It won't have a fixed post period yet, but it shall be established once I get this all set in stone.
Anyways, down to the music, shall we?
This week has been filled with electronic music, and rock morphed into this sort of sci-fi big bang outcome that has me hooked for the past week now. If this is your sort of thing, then you're absolutely in luck. I have two fantastic tracks to present to you that will leave you either jaunting at the bits with wanting more, or just becoming bewitched with the lyrics. BUT ENOUGH TIT AND TAT, let's get to the tracks.
Celldweller - Lost in Time
This first track will get you captured in this electronic melody that will soon flip you upside down with the introduction of guitars and a story driven lyrical melody. A sort of opera of sorts, as you get swept into a set of drums, and a chorus that could get you to rock that head bob, back and forth if you so choose. Out of the two songs, this one seems more story driven then the other track. But then again you haven't heard the second song yet haven't you? WELL FINISH THIS SONG AND MOVE ON!
Celldweller - End of an Empire
Now this song, you can almost feel a sort of movie cinema like intro just lifting up beneath you. Klayton's voice yet again guiding you into another chorus that will leave your heart pumping once the guitars start grinding. The drums and bass then taking you through a whirlwind of energy and loopful beats. You'll be hooked on that main chorus as he sings you a lullaby of destruction and everlasting power. "In the line of the gunfire. It's the end of an empire".