Day 7
Well we progress through the week in excellent motion. Things to talk about it one of my favorite channels on youtube entitled "Game Grumps" had to change one of their main characters in exchange for someone else. If anyone knows of JonTron on youtube, he was part of a comedy video game let's play duo entitled "GameGrumps" with known animator Egoraptor. This joint production lasted for about since last October and well the togetherness has come to an end in terms of moving on to something new.
I fully support growth, but I will miss Jon's banter along with Ego through the many different odd video games they went through. But the good thing is, Jon isn't gone forever. He will come back at times and make us all laugh once again. But until then, we have a new co-captain named Dan. His first apparance so far is 100% excellent in my own opinion, and he could actually play and talk at the same time flawlessly.
I honestly can't wait for these two to duke it out against each other on a VS video.
And with that, this is my Tuesday. More updates tomorrow and every day after!
This time I'm not leaguin' without you
Well we progress through the week in excellent motion. Things to talk about it one of my favorite channels on youtube entitled "Game Grumps" had to change one of their main characters in exchange for someone else. If anyone knows of JonTron on youtube, he was part of a comedy video game let's play duo entitled "GameGrumps" with known animator Egoraptor. This joint production lasted for about since last October and well the togetherness has come to an end in terms of moving on to something new.
I fully support growth, but I will miss Jon's banter along with Ego through the many different odd video games they went through. But the good thing is, Jon isn't gone forever. He will come back at times and make us all laugh once again. But until then, we have a new co-captain named Dan. His first apparance so far is 100% excellent in my own opinion, and he could actually play and talk at the same time flawlessly.
I honestly can't wait for these two to duke it out against each other on a VS video.
And with that, this is my Tuesday. More updates tomorrow and every day after!

Thank you for the friend request and the kind words!