Day 4
It's Saturday. Such great weather I'm currently experiencing over here in the northwest. Sun shining down as clouds aren't gathering together to rain on anyone's good spirits. Had some dinner with friends last night and overall experienced some great bonding. Watched some Japanese comedy stunt show very classy I might add.
Gaki no Tsukai was the title of the Batsu Game or "Penalty Game" as translated. There is a group of 5 comedians and they are shifted into a situation where they have to pretend or be involved in a certain role. Like be detectives, or a bunch of school teachers, or some other situation. The building they end up in is full of actors and actresses as they carry out their task. Now I mentioned penalty game a moment ago. Well beyond all these situations, they have to not laugh at all. One laugh and they get hit with a penalty. A severe one at that. Involving being hit with a strong bamboo sword, a rubber baton, or any other long object in the back. Now littered throughout the area are traps to make them laugh. Like a photo shopped photo of their fellow friends, or just something hilarious in general. They have to do all of this in 24 hours. A full 24 hours.
Crazy right? Those Asians really know how to entertain. Luckily this is every new years only. Or else I couldn't handle something like that on a weekly bases.
I've seen your frown and it's like looking down the barrel of a gun
It's Saturday. Such great weather I'm currently experiencing over here in the northwest. Sun shining down as clouds aren't gathering together to rain on anyone's good spirits. Had some dinner with friends last night and overall experienced some great bonding. Watched some Japanese comedy stunt show very classy I might add.
Gaki no Tsukai was the title of the Batsu Game or "Penalty Game" as translated. There is a group of 5 comedians and they are shifted into a situation where they have to pretend or be involved in a certain role. Like be detectives, or a bunch of school teachers, or some other situation. The building they end up in is full of actors and actresses as they carry out their task. Now I mentioned penalty game a moment ago. Well beyond all these situations, they have to not laugh at all. One laugh and they get hit with a penalty. A severe one at that. Involving being hit with a strong bamboo sword, a rubber baton, or any other long object in the back. Now littered throughout the area are traps to make them laugh. Like a photo shopped photo of their fellow friends, or just something hilarious in general. They have to do all of this in 24 hours. A full 24 hours.
Crazy right? Those Asians really know how to entertain. Luckily this is every new years only. Or else I couldn't handle something like that on a weekly bases.