late night post...
HAHA! it's only been 12 days since my last blog, a huge step up from a year.
so it's a little bit past three in the morning, which means in less than 12 hours i'll be sitting in my last undergrad class ever. EVER. i'm excited? but again... the end of school means that i'll be going back to hong kong soon and i am by no means ready to move back into my parents' flat. might i also add that i'll be living about an hour from downtown? not even kidding. i'm pretty pleased that i've finished my degree though. and finished it in four years at that!!! << i changed my major twice, so i actually was expecting to stay at least another year.
go me!!

it's been a pretty low key weekend. was going to go to montreal to visit my friend from home, but she ended up being way too busy, and i had a paper to write...... one that i wasn't aware i had. oops. either way, paper done.. montreal vetoed. i WILL get there before november though. montreal and toronto. they're calling to me, and i need to leave with a giant effing bang. a party will be planned methinks.
my roommate brought this back from mtl for me:
she said: "i saw this, and thought.. 'j'aime les filles'??....that's renee."

yes, yes i do aime les filles. boy do i ever. good advertising! and according to the ad, it's half price for ladies every friday at la Quincaillerie in mtl. c'est a 980 Rachel, au coin de Boyer. pretty good deal.
i really should be in bed.
lesson for today: make sure the sliding glass door is open before you almost put your knee through it.

I'm stealing them.
Thank you!!
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